Fat Replaces Oil for F-16s as Biofuels Head to War: Commodities
Biofuels face their biggest test yet -- whether they can power fighter jets and tanks in battle at prices the world’s best-funded military can afford.
The U.S. Air Force is set to certify all of its 40-plus aircraft models to burn fuels derived from waste oils and plants by 2013, three years ahead of target, Air Force Deputy Assistant Secretary Kevin Geiss said. The Army wants 25 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2025. The Navy and Marines aim to shift half their energy use from oil, gas and coal by 2020.
“Reliance on fossil fuels is simply too much of a vulnerability for a military organization to have,” U.S. Navy Secretary Raymond Mabus said in an interview. “We’ve been certifying aircraft on biofuels. We’re doing solar and wind, geothermal, hydrothermal, wave, things like that on our bases.”
More at the link above.
Army grease cars....and planes....and ships.....and tanks..... Grassroots enthusiasts leading the way?
So now they really are Freedom Fries.
Wally wrote:
So now they really are Freedom Fries.
Well, maybe for us... for the "others" they are Fiery Fries of Death from Above
10/19/11 6:52 a.m.
CRAP! Now I have MORE competition for my veggie oil.
you are not alone, Dr. My Father ripped the veggie oil stuff out of his VW because he couldn't get it anymore. Big firm came into town and is paying top dollar for used veggie oil
In reply to mad_machine:
It's a conspiracy maaaaaaaan. The Gov is sending these "companies" in to buy it up for the military so you have to buy the taxed oil that the military fought for.
Please note obvious sarcasm.
"...more competition for my veggie oil"?
Think about it, the military are heavy consumers of oil for cooking in their chow halls. Imagine how much of it has been wasted...until now? At the very least, I'm surprised more military vehicles aren't bio-fuel powered by now.
10/19/11 1:20 p.m.
That's pretty cool, I like it!
integraguy wrote:
"...more competition for my veggie oil"?
Think about it, the military are heavy consumers of oil for cooking in their chow halls. Imagine how much of it has been wasted...until now? At the very least, I'm surprised more military vehicles aren't bio-fuel powered by now.
maybe not the front line vehicles.. but why not the "supply" truck and stuff? Seems like that would have been perfect for them