Warning: lots of reading ahead, but I thought you guys might find this interesting.
Like many of you, I'm a car guy with not a whole lot of money. I'm newly married and recently bought a house, so there's not lots of play money to go around right now. I'm also a fan of lots of different cars, and don't discriminate really. I mean, my fleet (which is no longer just silver ) consists of 2 Mazda 3's, a Turbo Shelby Dodge, a Pontiac Trans Am, and a Dodge Dakota. When I go to car events, it's either a classic car show, a day at the track, or something like the Challenge with cheap cars. I did something out of my income bracket the other night, and it was a little interesting.
My sister is the Business Manager for a big Porsche dealer in Boston, and every once in a while when a new model comes out, they have a little party for it somewhere expensive and usually cool. She asked if I wanted to go this time to the new Boxster's party. While not really interested in them, mainly because I can't remotely afford them, I decided to go. So here's a GRMer's perspective on what happened.
The venue was the Black Falcon Wharf in Boston. This is where you get on the big cruise ships here in town. They had rented out a good chunk of the terminal to throw a little party for current and prospective Porsche owners, with ritzy (but free!) catered food and two (also free!!!) bars. They had the place filled in and out with a few of their recent models, including 4 new Boxsters, two 911's, a Cayenne Turbo, and a Panamera GTS.
My thoughts:
-People interested in new Porsches are not fans of the old models, even the historic ones. I was talking to some people and none of them liked anything that was more than a year old. To them, an old Porsche like the GRM Project 911 is a crappy used car.
-According to these people: All other cars are garbage. ALL of them. Only Porsches are good cars. I talked about other luxury makes, like Mercedes and BMW, and they are crap to these people.
-Media moguls, rockstars, and young upstart entrepreneurs love these cars. That summed up a good chunk of the crowd attending the event.
-Rich people are attracted to free stuff. Strange, right?
-Rich people attract random money-seeking women. A group of random ladies dressed as if they were impersonating the Real Housewives of who gives a crap showed up at some point in the night and had no rides, probably looking to hit the jackpot. My sister had to ferry them to the closest bar down the road in the 911 she was driving for the night to try out a different income bracket.
-Rich people food is either really good or tastes horrible. I had lots of different things that night, including good sushi, braised beef short ribs, and awesome desserts, but some of it tasted like baby food and looked like lawn clippings direct from my lawnmower's bag.
Oh, and the cars. Yeah... the cars. The new Boxster looks like a grown-up 2002 Toyota MR-S. There, I said it. That statement got me some laughs and some ridicule at the event. That said it's the nicest looking one yet. It really looks great.
My sister's ride for the evening was a new 911 GTS (I think) with the PDK transmission. She says it's extremely fast. It was my favorite car there. Just awesome looking.
The Cayenne Turbo is a car that I hated until that night when I finally planted my butt in the seat. Wow. When the zombies come, I'm heading straight for the Porsche dealer for this 500+ hp fortress of pure awesome.
And that leaves the Panamera GTS. I still can't get over the back end of this car. It looks horrid. That said, the interior is cool. I like the full-length console.
Out of all the automotive subcultures I've encountered, the Porsche one is one of the stranger ones. There are three distinct subdivisions that I can catalog now: the Classic Porsche people that like the older ones (but not the front engined stuff or the 914, because those don't count), the New Porsche people that consider anything over 3 years old to be garbage, and the GRM-esque Porsche people that will take anything they can get their hands on and be proud to own it and drive the wheels off of it, regardless of model or age.
Oh... and PICS!!!
And my new wallpaper...