I took the FAL & AK out to my folks' farm today. We didn't have a whole lot of time. I let dad decide what he wanted to shoot first, and he was more interested in the AK. We bush hogged a path, staked a target out in the pasture, and herded the cows out of harms way.

By the time we got back to the house, and up on the deer stand, I mean balcony, we each got 5 rounds off before the cows decided they needed to be where we were shooting.
Dad's one of those right handed, left eye dominant weirdos. I think he liked it.

We set the target up a little far out for our eyes and iron sights, hard to say how accurate the gun is at this point. It preformed great though, I pulled the bolt out and added a few drops of CLP on the moving parts, put every thing back together, and it ran like a sewing machine.

So the AK was fun, I'm definitely going to be stocking up on more ammo for it. I've already ordered 240 rounds of 7.62x39 Brown Bear, and a few Polish mags.
I'll have to take the FAL out again next weekend I guess. I'll go down to the hay field, and shoot at the bluff, so I don't have to herd cows.
Its a shame the days of the $79 640rd spam cans are gone for 7.62x39 isn't it?

In reply to WOW Really Paul?:
Yeah, I got into the AK game way too late.
I typically buy brass case ammo because I have delusions of reloading. I bought that Brown Bear because it was cheap and Sportsman's Guide had free shipping this weekend.
Looks like the cheapest brass case 7.62x39 I can get into is Geco, which I have zero experience with or knowledge of. It's about $0.06/round more than I typically get .223 for.
What world is this, that it's cheaper to build and shoot ARs than AKs?
got into the AK game in the late 90's. You know, when you could buy a case of Wolf 7.62 for $69.99. We'd go buy 2 cases, go home and shoot a case.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
Its a shame the days of the $79 640rd spam cans are gone for 7.62x39 isn't it?
you must have gotten in late! We were paying $70 for 1000rds of Wolf
Also Lee, there's a case of Wolf for sale locally for $200 for 1000 rds.
In reply to Bobzilla:
Post 2000.......remember, I'm a youngster. 
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
Post 2000.......remember, I'm a youngster.
damn kids. get off my lawn
I can remember places nearly giving away Mosins.....part of why they don't interest me. Now, the SVT40 on the other hand.....that's a Soviet rifle I think I want.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
I can remember places nearly giving away Mosins.....
That wasn't long ago at all.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
I can remember places nearly giving away Mosins.....part of why they don't interest me. Now, the SVT40 on the other hand.....that's a Soviet rifle I think I want.
From a WWII historical perspective I want a Mosin Carbine. And a 1903 Springfield. And a Lee Enfield. And a Mauser. Just because. I tell you what though, those repro 1903A4 really have my attention
10/24/16 8:32 p.m.
Lucky. I was hoping to pick a fal up, looks like I won't be able to before California's dumb semi auto laws go into effect Jan 2017.
As for membering low ammo prices, I was lucky enough to stock up on enough 16 cent mosin ammo to last a life time. Im 29..
10/24/16 9:51 p.m.
For awhile I was looking at mosins, but never pulled the trigger. I've also been a little hesitant to shoot bulk surplus corrosive ammo, keeping me from putting many rounds through my father's M43(Spanish K98k).
In reply to Brian:
Nothing wrong with the corrosive stuff so long as you remember to clean it out very thoroughly after each use.
And I have a BYF42 Nazi era K98 Mauser. It is very very fun to shoot.
10/25/16 10:20 p.m.
Always take a funnel, spray bottle, and a bore snake when using corrosive ammo. Love my Soviet surplus firearms.
smog7 wrote:
Always take a funnel, spray bottle, and a bore snake when using corrosive ammo. Love my Soviet surplus firearms.
This, I have to remember to do that with my k98 on the odd time I find surplus stuff.
I got my Brown Bear and Polish mags in, I told myself that I was done buying steel case for the time being, and that I probably had enough mags. Then PSA goes and puts 10 AK Pmags and 400 rounds of Tula in a Daily Deal combo. I should have ignored it, but I didn't, I did the math, and apparently I don't have enough will power pass up an ammo and paraphernalia deal.