For the first year ever, my Fiance and I are alone on Christmas. We decided to catch a movie and go to one of the buffets at one of the Casinos downtown.
Walter Mitty was a FREAKING AMAZING movie.
I absolutely loved the film and would whole-heartedly recommend it to any of you. If you have ever felt inspired to do something, this movie will compound those feelings tenfold.
Go see it. It's really good.
For those of you who have seen it, do you agree?
Also... Not a canoe, I promise.
I'm always hesitant to click on threads with movie titles as subjects unless I recognize the name posting it haha.
I've heard mixed reviews of the movie but it seeks interesting enough to me. Even the reviewers that panned the movie itself made note that the visuals and landscapes were amazing. Might have to check this one out.
The cinematography was absolutely gorgeous. I've never wanted to travel to so many desolate places in the world before.
I agree. Also saw it today. Sure, there were a few parts where my tendency to over-empathize for movie characters having embarrassing moments kicked in, but overall I loved it. And yes, it absolutely makes you want to go do stuff.
Ransom wrote:
And yes, it absolutely makes you want to go do stuff.
Is part of that "stuff", the desire to race cars in Atlanta in the spring?
12/26/13 7:10 a.m.
I'm not a Ben Stiller fan - never really liked him in anything, but this one doesn't seem like a typical Ben Stiller movie. I don't usually see more than a couple movies a year in the theater, so will probably wait till this is available to steam, but I will eventually see it.
T.J. wrote:
I'm not a Ben Stiller fan - never really liked him in anything, but this one doesn't seem like a typical Ben Stiller movie. I don't usually see more than a couple movies a year in the theater, so will probably wait till this is available to steam, but I will eventually see it.
In general I see about 25 movies in theaters in a given year. I posted this on facebook, but it's just as good to post here.
My ten favorite movies released in 2013 -
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
- The Way Way Back
- The Book Thief
- Rush
- Fast and Furious 6
- The World's End
- Warm Bodies
- Sleepwalk With Me
- Pacific Rim
- The Kings of Summer
No particular order. Except that Walter Mitty is by far the best of them.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
Ransom wrote:
And yes, it absolutely makes you want to go do stuff.
Is part of that "stuff", the desire to race cars in Atlanta in the spring?
The original short story on which the movie is based had one of Walter's daydreams feature him being a professional racing driver.
Good read, by the way.
As someone who thinks Ben Stiller is a horrible actor and has hated almost every movie he's been in, would you recommend still seeing it?
12/26/13 12:01 p.m.
T.J. wrote:
I'm not a Ben Stiller fan - never really liked him in anything, but this one doesn't seem like a typical Ben Stiller movie. I don't usually see more than a couple movies a year in the theater, so will probably wait till this is available to steam, but I will eventually see it.
You watch your movies in a steam room?! you really know how to live!

MA$$hole wrote:
As someone who thinks Ben Stiller is a horrible actor and has hated almost every movie he's been in, would you recommend still seeing it?
A wholehearted and emphatic YES.
Ben Stiller was not the typical Ben Stiller in this film. He did a phenomenal job of acting in this film. Very quiet and reserved. Likable, even.
12/26/13 12:53 p.m.
I have a feeling this is causing an onslaught of canoes. 
12/26/13 1:52 p.m.
It may be a little creepy that I watch movies in my steam room, but it is really, really creepy that you managed to get a photo of me doing it.
Rufledt wrote:
T.J. wrote:
I'm not a Ben Stiller fan - never really liked him in anything, but this one doesn't seem like a typical Ben Stiller movie. I don't usually see more than a couple movies a year in the theater, so will probably wait till this is available to steam, but I will eventually see it.
You watch your movies in a steam room?! you really know how to live!
yamaha wrote:
I have a feeling this is causing an onslaught of canoes.
The canoes will be coming anyway, even without this thread.
I didn't intend to invite canoes, but I realized afterward that the title might drive some people away... So that sucks.
Please don't throw me out of the club!
yamaha wrote:
I have a feeling this is causing an onslaught of canoes.
i clicked here hoping to find out how to download it for free..
I clicked here hoping to find a cheap Chinese hooker.
I clicked trying to find passports.
Also went to see this and it was very good. My wife and I really liked it.
12/27/13 9:02 p.m.
Just got back from seeing it. Great movie that showed a completely different aspect of Ben Stiller's acting capabilities.
MA$$hole wrote:
As someone who thinks Ben Stiller is a horrible actor and has hated almost every movie he's been in, would you recommend still seeing it?
It didn't totally redeem Stiller for me, but yes.
Imagine you watched The Mask, Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty, and Liar Liar. You think you hate Jim Carrey, and then you watch The Truman Show, or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
As a guy going through a very emotional but amicable divorce, Mitty spoke to me. I liked it. I don't think it goes down as a true great in my book, but it goes down as a movie that spoke to me during a specific emotional time in my life.
curtis73 wrote:
MA$$hole wrote:
As someone who thinks Ben Stiller is a horrible actor and has hated almost every movie he's been in, would you recommend still seeing it?
It didn't totally redeem Stiller for me, but yes.
Imagine you watched The Mask, Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty, and Liar Liar. You think you hate Jim Carrey, and then you watch The Truman Show, or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
As a guy going through a very emotional but amicable divorce, Mitty spoke to me. I liked it. I don't think it goes down as a true great in my book, but it goes down as a movie that spoke to me during a specific emotional time in my life.
those first movies made me love Jim Carrey, then i lost a little bit of my love for him when he started getting all serious- he's a clown, he's supposed to do clown stuff..
i could tell that this new Ben Stiller movie isn't something that i'd like based on the way he acted on Colbert a couple of weeks ago... he's usually up for being silly and stupid on shows like that, but he was all serious and looked like he wanted to choke Colbert and storm off because Colbert was being Colbert and saying stupid Colbert stuff to try to get some laughs... i just thought he (Stiller) was acting like a pretentious prick in that interview- the typical d-bag artist that takes himself too seriously. i've never been a Stiller fan- his only movie that i actually like is There's Something about Mary, but Tropic Thunder was ok- but that interview just made me not want to ever watch anything that he's in ever again if i can help it.
Not trying to defend Stiller, but if you spent the last couple years of your life working on a really seriously cool project and then someone pokes fun at it, you might have some reservations about joking around about it, too.
Sure, you probably would keep most of it bottled up, even if you were miffed, but if you had been having a particularly stressful day, you might not seem as chipper as your normal self.
I know I couldn't do television interviews...
Thurber's story is one of my all time favorites.
Ben Stiller is probably my least favorite actor.
Read a crappy review. Gonna pass....