I'm probably enjoying this discussion a bit too much. From my current career:
I was examining a "rabies only" (ie. quality of care limited to what is required by law), and vaccinating a little land shark of a dog while he struggled mightily to bite me.
The pet owning family found this display of aggression incredibly amusing, and great laughter ensued.
After safely concluding my examination and administration of the vaccine, said Landshark was placed upon the floor, whereupon he proceeded to go around the room lifting his leg about a dozen times. The owners watched him proudly.
This is an interesting phenomena which occurs in unneutered male dogs when suffering from what I term, "testosterone poisoning."
Since he had already pissed on every available surface in the waiting area, as well as every other spot between the pickup truck and the front door, Landshark had not a drop left in his bladder.
I had already taken note of the empty bladder, so I didn't bother to even move when he lifted his leg on my foot.
I looked down at Landshark, then back at the owners, who were obviously overjoyed at their great fortune in witnessing this amazing event.
I smiled back, while noting that there was the equivalent of only a single set of teeth among the five of them.
"That's okay, now I know how your house smells. Paula will check you out."
As the laughter faded, I turned and walked out the door.