UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Italy foiled an attempt by North Korea to import tap-dancing shoes in breach of a U.N. ban on the sale of luxury goods to Pyongyang, according to a U.N. report on the enforcement of sanctions against the North.
A U.N. diplomat told Reuters on Tuesday that the seized shipment involved several dozen pairs of tap-dancing shoes. He said that it was not clear how the tap shoes might fit into North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's lavish lifestyle, which includes grandiose stage performances by North Korean performers.

6/2/11 6:23 a.m.
..several dozen pairs of tap-dancing shoes. He said that it was not clear how the tap shoes might fit into North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's lavish lifestyle, which includes grandiose stage performances by North Korean performers.
I'd say it's fairly clear. 
6/2/11 7:22 a.m.
The crap that gets printed by the average 'news' organization is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism. Based on reading news articles, I am convinced that over 50% of reporters are people who dropped out of school in the 7th grade. I mean, I'm as stumped as the next guy about what a dictator who likes "grandiose stage performances" would do with a container of tap shoes. Maybe, the plan was to harness the energy of the tapping sound to enrich uranium?
T.J. wrote:
The crap that gets printed by the average 'news' organization is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism. Based on reading news articles, I am convinced that over 50% of reporters are people who dropped out of school in the 7th grade. I mean, I'm as stumped as the next guy about what a dictator who likes "grandiose stage performances" would do with a container of tap shoes. Maybe, the plan was to harness the energy of the tapping sound to enrich uranium?
Nothing wrong with the story. We are talking about it, right?
Tap shoes are a luxury item?
Perhaps he was going to wear them in the mens room at the airport?
6/2/11 9:24 a.m.
pilotbraden wrote:
Perhaps he was going to wear them in the mens room at the airport?
Naaaah. He was going to take pics and send them to Anthony Weiner's twitter account.
oldsaw wrote:
pilotbraden wrote:
Perhaps he was going to wear them in the mens room at the airport?
Naaaah. He was going to take pics and send them to Anthony Weiner's twitter account.
In his defense, I don't know if I'd recognize a picture of my underware either, and I'm almost certain there's atleast one on the interweb to be stolen
Ars Technica did an article on the idea that Weiner's account was "hacked". Weiner used ImageShack's yFrog program, and all that is needed to post pictures to someone else's twitter account is knowing their yFrog user name.
(i.e. Anybody who figured out the politician's yFrog user name could post images to his twitter account. No password is needed. Who the heck implements rubbish like that and foists it off on the public?)
I think quite a few programs have holes in them like that.. just nothing that BIG.
And perhaps the government in Pyongyang wants to be all singing all dancing? I could see them on Broadway in a year
mad_machine said:
And perhaps the government in Pyongyang wants to be all singing all dancing? I could see them on Broadway in a year
"So Rohnree, the Musical"
Case of mistaken order taking.
I don't think that was what he was after when he said he wanted to tap some Eye-talians.