So before starting this, I searched on google, and found a few threads from 6+ years ago, and a few comments or posts, but not a tattoos of GRM thread. I can't be the only one with ink here, so why not a thread to show it off? Good or bad, as long as they're yours.
Oddly enough, I'm missing a picture of my favorite one since it was finished. When I find or take one I'll edit it in.
This was actually my first one, I need to get the blacklight ink redone, but this is what it looked like new.
This one I forget I have

My dad had a sticker of his favorite Little Feat album cover on his prosthetic leg, so I got the picture from my favorite Little Feat album tattooed in the same place on my leg.
My daughter is Harleigh Quinn, so I had to get one
And the last one I can post right now. I'm a big Hunter S Thompson and Ralp Steadman fan. Big. Steadman illustrated Alice in Wonderland, and this is the Mad Hatter, one of my favorite characters as a child. Also, I guess you can't see it in this picture, but he has his middle finger up. It's the beginning of a series from Alice in Wonderland and Animal Farm Steadman illustrations. But I'm getting my future tattoos done in black and white so my daughter can color them in when shes bigger with markers. Screw it, I can have fun with being a dad. 
So, what kind of ink does the GRM hive have?
I'm about the only person I know without any ink. What can I say... I'm a rebel.
This should be an interesting thread.
Car guys usually have original ink.
joey48442 wrote:
I'm about the only person I know without any ink. What can I say... I'm a rebel.
No ink here, either. I have some scars, though.
No tramp stamps for me. Although I do still have the earring I got 34 years ago.
5/14/16 1:21 a.m.
I don't have anything, but I want to get something so abstract that I can tell people it means whatever I want it to... or 'nothing at all' depending on my mood. Something strikingly geometric and futurist. Still mulling over designs.
5/14/16 6:19 a.m.
No ink, just some very impressive scars up the left side of my body from a little run-in I had with a barbed wire fence while riding a motorcycle.
Harleigh Quinn- great name. 
Another scars-only guy here.
Maybe we need a Scars thread...
Hilarious. The only forum where no one has ink....
No ink. Lots of scars. Some with good stories some I've forgotten.
Ink free also, never even considered it.
For those who have, I've always wondered what was the deciding moment that said I want inked?
Another vote for no ink and extra scars here.
Jewelry, so I can take it out later if I change my mind.
Haha, scars only here too. I want a tattoo though, just haven't had any of them appeal to me long enough to get done.
Wow.. Another ink free guy here.
I don't need that kind of positive identification :)
When I was a young man I wanted a tattoo. I had the conversation frequently with my father. He was very much against it. He said many times, only when he was dead and gone. He was a very literal man and I took what he said literately. A couple weeks after he passed, when I was 18 I went and got this.
Some people think that it's a slap in the face to his memory because he didn't want me to get one. I don't look at it that way.
That is the only one I have. I wouldn't mind getting more, but, the practical side of me sees it as a waste of money that would be better used on something else. I may get it touched up at some point as it's starting to get a little faded.
If I got a tattoo, It would be like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari..
Yep. Never tattoo someone else's name on your back. 
Right now I'm designing a pretty big tattoo to go under the current.

It's been 8 yrs since my first, time for another....

I have a few.
I have found it is impossible to take a good picture of your own forearm though.
Here's one of mine:
<img src="
" />
I have three more I want, but money...