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alfadriver MegaDork
11/25/21 7:49 a.m.
914Driver said:

I'm just thankful you guys are here.

Me, too.  I've not been an active participant in the motorsports scene since 2012, and I'm still here, thinking about it.  

Billy_Bottle_Caps SuperDork
11/25/21 9:06 a.m.
alfadriver said:
914Driver said:

I'm just thankful you guys are here.

Me, too.  I've not been an active participant in the motorsports scene since 2012, and I'm still here, thinking about it.  

This is me as well. Haven't been to a Challenge since 2008?, but still follow along as always, just can't seem to shake this group. Great group of people.



Appleseed MegaDork
11/25/21 9:16 a.m.

To everyone who made my kid's

noggin the fastest, highest horsepower helmet in rehab.


Happy ThanksGibbing.

Steve_Jones Dork
11/25/21 9:25 a.m.

As much as I love you guys, it's gotta be Wally. No one will ever top quotes like this


I never expected my wife's peach would be getting talked about on the internet either, these are strange times.

KyAllroad UltimaDork
11/25/21 9:47 a.m.

The rest of the family weenied out but the Thanksgiving Day 5k is complete.   42 degrees and raining cool

TigerMom and I finished in 38:40 (just a bit of walking...)

JoeyM Mod Squad
11/25/21 10:46 a.m.
Marjorie Suddard said:

With Thanksgiving upon us, I thought maybe we could....take a moment to give a shout-out to a member who has made you smile, or come through with a desperately needed answer

MANY of the GRMers have offered me useful answers and advice over the years, but I want to put a special thanks out to wheels777, who has given me parts, offered advice, and reached out to me via PM when I'm feeling down.  I really appreciate the support.

KyAllroad UltimaDork
11/25/21 10:56 a.m.


Recon1342 Dork
11/25/21 11:06 a.m.

I'm thankful for the sheer breadth of knowledge to be found here.

NickD and the rest of the railroad hooligans: thanks for getting me back into a favorite hobby and talking all things trains.

Patrick, Mazdeuce(Seth), Wally, and Java (among many others): The crazy you all (and everybody else) exhibit has made me realize that y'all are my tribe.


The Suddards: For providing the Forum. 

Duster, Bobzilla, Floating Doc, and literally everybody on this forum: Thanks for being here. 

Jesse Ransom
Jesse Ransom GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
11/25/21 11:08 a.m.

I'm also going to say I'm thankful for the whole forum, hosts and rabble alike.

This place has been a big part of my world for years, and has certainly been no less important during this time of having less opportunity to see people in the real world or have events.

914Driver MegaDork
11/25/21 12:08 p.m.

In reply to KyAllroad :

Yeah, but I hear Brits call July 4th Thanksgiving Day.

Jerry PowerDork
11/25/21 1:05 p.m.

The collective hive, because no matter what my question is I will get at least a few good answers.  Diagnosing hesitation on a 1987 MR2 or how to make a good grilled cheese sandwich, you guys are better than Google.

barefootskater (Shaun)
barefootskater (Shaun) PowerDork
11/25/21 1:32 p.m.

Thankful to know I'm not the only wacko that likes old E36 M3boxes. Thankful for the reasonable discussions and levelheadedness. Thankful for the knowledge here and complete lack of gatekeeping. Thankful that so many folks are willing to share personal stories and help complete strangers from across the planet. 
Thankful for the friends, IRL and electronic, I've made here. It helps keep an antisocial home-body like me mostly sane.

I came for the cars, but I stay for the shenanigans. And the cars. So, thanks. 

Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
11/25/21 3:41 p.m.

I'm also thankful for this group and forum as a whole. For the folks at GRM setting this up, and the whole community here. Where everywhere else on the interwebz, conversations become divisive and judgmental cesspools, this place is different. Even when things go the furthest astray they do here, there is still respect and people recognizing to rein thing in.

But especially for Wally being Wally.

DeadSkunk  (Warren)
DeadSkunk (Warren) UltimaDork
11/25/21 4:01 p.m.

I saw my first issue of Auto-X at a meeting of the Western Ontario Sports Car Association sometime in 1984 and I bought my own issue in January 1985(still have it and every one since). The magazine, then the website has been a significant part of my life, as have all the friends I've made over the years. The Challenge has been a road trip for my son and I for a decade now and will be for years to come. I tell anyone who'll listen that this forum is The Best Place to Hang Out on the Internet ! I'm thankful for the whole crazy bunch of you.

wawazat SuperDork
11/25/21 6:25 p.m.
84FSP said:

Tod wawazzat hooked me up with an insiders cruise around the woodward dream cruise this year.  It was a nice chill, this is my hometown and I love it session.  It was much appreciated.

Aww shucks!  Thanks Dave!   That made me smile on already pretty smile filled day at home with the family.  It was good meeting you this summer and I was glad we were able to hang out a bit that night seeing a bunch of cars.

I gotta say Thanks to Angry, Norma-66 Brent, and Dustrbd-Michael for always encouraging the many times meager accomplishments on the Cougar especially after my self-inflicted screw up this summer.  

Lobsterpennies New Reader
11/25/21 9:12 p.m.

I am thankful for the forum as a whole. I do not post a lot often because I do not often have something particularly applicable to a question being asked. But GRM is the first thing I look at in the morning, and I appreciate the wealth of knowledge and just general civility amongst everyone.

If I had to call someone out it would be Hungary Bill. Most times he ends his posts "Good times" whether the day was a complete crap show or it was a great day. In my world it gives me perspective and brings a smile to my day.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Toyman01 + Sized and
Toyman01 + Sized and GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/25/21 9:27 p.m.

I don't think I can nail it down to one person, or even a handful. 

The whole is more than the sum of its parts and I'm thankful for all of you

Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter)
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/25/21 10:15 p.m.

You all truly are my family & closest friends. Thanks again to the Suddard's for not only having the vision to create GRM, but also continuing to be our hosts for well over 2-decades. 

Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos)
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/26/21 12:01 a.m.
JStrobel80 said:

 I live in NC and my family is all in CT, 

 There are a few of us in NC. Depending on where you are, one or more of us will meet you and buy you a plate of BBQ.

dxman92 Dork
11/26/21 12:23 a.m.

I'd like to say I'm thankful for the whole band of merry outlaws here. To the Suddard clan, thank you for giving me a place to visit on vacation last month in Florida (it was a Saturday but I just had to stop by and snap a I was here picture with the Turo car I was driving)!

JStrobel80 New Reader
11/26/21 5:48 a.m.

In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :

Good morning Brett, it would be great to meet other members! I live in Asheville but am more than willing to drive anywhere :) I dont fly for various reasons and love to drive. My brother got married in San Diego, so I did a 2.5 day trip out there, went to the wedding and drove home.

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
11/26/21 5:53 a.m.
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) said:
JStrobel80 said:

 I live in NC and my family is all in CT, 

 There are a few of us in NC. Depending on where you are, one or more of us will meet you and buy you a plate of BBQ.

Yup. Once a year or so, we try to all get together. Usually at my place near Charlotte, but not always. Youre more than welcome to let us k ow, and we'll get together!

Purple Frog (Forum Supporter)
Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
11/26/21 10:51 a.m.

What a great forum.  Where else can one read about everything from installing toilets to turbos.  The whole Suddard family rocks for supporting it.    

I must include Keith Tanner's name to those listed above as one I appreciate reading his informative posts.

Mr_Asa PowerDork
11/26/21 4:09 p.m.

Thanks to jgrewe I'm one big ole step towards making my own melt furnace for casting

I should have secured this a bit more.  I didn't lose anything, but it didn't like running up to 70

John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
11/26/21 4:19 p.m.

I'm late to the party here and I could write a book.  But, instead, I just want to highlight again a re-occurring message here...

The GRM board, as a virtual place is fantastic.  Once you make the leap, and make GRM a real and in-person experience, it's a real game changer.  For many that in-person experience is The Challenge but it can also be The Mitty or Ultimate Track Car.  Outside of that, even just gathering with the GRM'ers in your state/area.  

If you're reading this and thinking, "I should try something like meeting other GRM'er,"  I promise you, you'll never regret it!  

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