After parting out a couple of cars now, I've noticed a very distinct pattern of those who buy the parts, both good and bad experiences.
The Savior: Bitches about "parting out a perfectly good rare car" Thinks any car should be put back on the road, no matter how much work it would require.
The will you ship it guy Wants you to ship a full interior, subframes, and any other bulky next to impossible item to ship.
The I know a guy that knows a guy thats selling it cheaper Has no intention of buying your parts. I usually respond with a "that sounds like a good deal,you should buy that part instead."
If you have it 5 months from now I hope I don't still have that set of tail lights 5 months from now.
The talk your ear off guy Sends 50 messages for a headlight switch, asks about 100 different parts and buys nothing
The big spender Drops $1k on parts like it's nothing. (I love these people
Thats about all I can think of for now, anyone have any others? Not trying to complain, I just think it's funny how the patterns form when selling car parts.
I have one:
The non-existent buyer List and list your parts and nobody bids or makes an offer. Repeat for months.
7/31/14 9:53 a.m.
Can't stand the "talk your ear off" guys. Dozens of emails, requests for more photos, back and forth over dates available to come by... then the vanishing act.
The Can I Drive It Home Guy: Even though it says no more than 10 times in your listing that it doesn't run or brakes don't work and it will need to be towed, this guy still says "I'm interested, do you think it will make it to Tennessee?"

The latecomer: You confirm a time to meet them and they show up no less than 30 minutes late. An hour if you have kids with you. They also don't respond to attempted communication during this time.
7/31/14 1:18 p.m.
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
Those people piss me off like no other
^I get too many of those.
Here's one:
The Barterer: Really wants your parts but has no cash to buy them with. Wants to trade for something. Most likely doesn't have anything you want.
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
GameboyRMH wrote:
^I get too many of those.
Here's one:
The Barterer: Really wants your parts but has no cash to buy them with. Wants to trade for something. Most likely doesn't have anything you want.
This. Usually I have someone negotiate me down to nothing, only to get a "Well, when I get the money I will pay you." What? you mean you just wasted an hour going back and forth for something you don't have money for in the first place? I never hear from these people again either.
Id have taken the engine back and told his dumbass to kick rocks, and have some respect for others with the damned stereo and exhaust
The "That's too far away" guy
Calls you up, he's 20 miles away, oh that's too far for him to drive.
Here are some more:
Square peg in a round hole: Only discovers that part won't fit his car after you meet up, when a little research using info that you posted would have revealed this in minutes.
And inspired by ScreaminE (and another real thing I've seen)
The Borrower: Doesn't know you from adam, and wants to pay in many installments. Uh huh...
What about when it's the seller selling parts but doesn't want to sell "said" parts? I get those quite a bit.
The Entitled Negotiator: Offers you much less than asking price, comes back again and again with slightly higher offers each time you say no, then acts shocked when you finally tell them it's sold.
I actually had one of these guys say, "come on, what's it going to take to get this done today?" I told him the full asking price, plus shipping. Some people. I should have started adding money but it really doesn't bother me when someone tries to talk me down. It just bugs me when they get worked up about you saying no or taking someone else's better offer.
7/31/14 2:22 p.m.
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
This is either a- when he's driving home on fumes because he's stupid or b not getting an engine. When people pull E36 M3 like that on me the conversation ends immediately and I walk away.
7/31/14 2:40 p.m.
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
I'd have tried to do 2 things
A) I'd have tried to get my money before loading the engine
B) if not, I'd have pulled the engine out and told him to get the berkeley off my property
mndsm wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
This is either a- when he's driving home on fumes because he's stupid or b not getting an engine. When people pull E36 M3 like that on me the conversation ends immediately and I walk away.
If I hadn't just went through hell loading the engine into his clapped out explorer at 1AM, he wouldn't have left my house with the engine. I was just so tired and over the situation so I just let it go. Had he negotiated with me before we loaded the engine I would have walked into my house and told him to have a nice ride back.
7/31/14 2:59 p.m.
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
This is either a- when he's driving home on fumes because he's stupid or b not getting an engine. When people pull E36 M3 like that on me the conversation ends immediately and I walk away.
If I hadn't just went through hell loading the engine into his clapped out explorer at 1AM, he wouldn't have left my house with the engine. I was just so tired and over the situation so I just let it go. Had he negotiated with me before we loaded the engine I would have walked into my house and told him to have a nice ride back.
That's when you remove the proper amount of money worth of parts from his car and tell him good luck!
meet at a half way point guy
I have actually met folks in parking lots to make sales. The cheaper the item, the less distance I'l go.
but hell no, I'm not driving an hour one way for a $20.00 sale.
Oh boy I bought a factory hitch from a gen2 4 runner at the junkyard, cost like 30$ and I had to remove it and drag it across the yard. It wouldn't work on my truck unless I lifted it to the moon so for sale on craigslist. Started at 60$ but no bites so rock bottom price of 40$. I had a guy ask me to drive 20 miles across a bridge with toll and offered me 20$. I'd of scrapped it first. Finally sold the damn thing, good riddance.
I've listed parts online and forgot about them, then 6 months later got an inquiry and payment, that was nice.
The magician: You spend several emails or texts negotiating a deal. All you've got left is to set a time/place to meet and POOF! they dissappear.
The poor gypsy: They live 7 hours away and want you take less because they have to drive so far, because it is somehow your fault that they were looking for stuff in a Craigslist 7 hours from where they live.
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
I've sent guys home over $20. Sometimes when they play the "i messed up at the ATM trick" it's really because they gambled that i'd take the lesser amount after they drove 4 hours. Too bad. Go home.