7/31/14 6:33 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
I've sent guys home over $20. Sometimes when they play the "i messed up at the ATM trick" it's really because they gambled that i'd take the lesser amount after they drove 4 hours. Too bad. Go home.
I had a woman try that stunt on my brother when she was trying to buy his Camaro for her kid. She started speaking Spanish to the kid. Granted I couldn't reply in spanish, but I understood enough to tell her "I know what you're saying, go to the ATM over there and get the rest of the cash. We'll wait.".
The Tattooist, Wants to trade $5 worth of ink and dubious art capabilities for hundreds of dollars in services or parts (even whole vehicles). Dude! You don't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari!
The Haggler, Wants to negotiate a price on first contact (even by text) without even seeing the merchandize! I always raise my price and say that sounds better.
Cash in hand BEFORE I unload or he loads up. ALWAYS!!!
The bad lucker: You've arranged a time and place to meet but they flake because their cousin/grandma/gerbil had to go to the hospital.
7/31/14 7:03 p.m.
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
This is either a- when he's driving home on fumes because he's stupid or b not getting an engine. When people pull E36 M3 like that on me the conversation ends immediately and I walk away.
If I hadn't just went through hell loading the engine into his clapped out explorer at 1AM, he wouldn't have left my house with the engine. I was just so tired and over the situation so I just let it go. Had he negotiated with me before we loaded the engine I would have walked into my house and told him to have a nice ride back.
so he won … he got exactly what he wanted … actually he did better than that .. he got the motor for less than he told you he had
This is why I have so much crap in my shop. Selling it isn't worth the trouble. I'd rather give it away or haul it off for scrap.
The You're a Datsun guy and so am I so let's talk for an hour about Datsun's in your driveway why your wife stews inside wondering who this guy is and you made $30 on some roadster doors that you just sold him.
The I gotta pee guy while all your tools sit with his buddy in your garage and the pee'er guy wants to go inside where your 10 year old daughter is. Then I become the sorry man, McDonalds is 1 mile down the street can I just get that $100 for these two 240Z fenders?
wbjones wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
ScreaminE wrote:
mndsm wrote:
The Lowballer- the guy who agrees on a price and shows up with half the cash in his hand expecting you to take it like it's a gift from god.
This happened to me on the SVT engine I sold. Advertised for $350 which was a steal. Moron comes to my house at 1am on a Friday night after driving 4 hours from central PA. Shows up blasting stereo and loud ass exhaust. Load up the engine and he says "Yo gonna give me a discount cuz I drove so far right?" I said sure, $300 (I just wanted rid of the damn'd thing). He says "All I got is $260, and I have to drive back home." I got $220 out of his good for nothing ass. Was so pissed off.
This is either a- when he's driving home on fumes because he's stupid or b not getting an engine. When people pull E36 M3 like that on me the conversation ends immediately and I walk away.
If I hadn't just went through hell loading the engine into his clapped out explorer at 1AM, he wouldn't have left my house with the engine. I was just so tired and over the situation so I just let it go. Had he negotiated with me before we loaded the engine I would have walked into my house and told him to have a nice ride back.
so he won … he got exactly what he wanted … actually he did better than that .. he got the motor for less than he told you he had
Oh yeah. He won. Looking back things would have went different. I'm not loading E36 M3 without cash in hand next time.
The No Haggle Guy - Makes you say to yourself, after he leaves, "Dammit, I should have asked for more!"
RealMiniDriver wrote:
The No Haggle Guy - Makes you say to yourself, after he leaves, "Dammit, I should have asked for more!"
That's a fine line though. I'm a haggler, but if something is reasonably priced, I'll pay for it no questions asked.
At the same time The No Haggle Guy is also a seller who WON'T negotiate at all which bugs the hell out of me, especially for something that isn't in high demand.
HiTempguy wrote:
RealMiniDriver wrote:
The No Haggle Guy - Makes you say to yourself, after he leaves, "Dammit, I should have asked for more!"
That's a fine line though. I'm a haggler, but if something is reasonably priced, I'll pay for it no questions asked.
At the same time The No Haggle Guy is also a seller who WON'T negotiate at all which bugs the hell out of me, especially for something that isn't in high demand.
I've been accused of being the No Haggle Guy in the bad way on the probe/mx6 forums pretty often. The biggest part of it with that broke crowd is that i refuse to deal with horrible lowballs, and i'm perfectly fine stockpiling these parts for my own purposes in the interest of keeping my car on the road long after the parts supply runs out.
However, i'm also No Haggle Guy on the flip side. I see parts i want, i buy them. If i'm haggling, it's because i'm not REALLY interested, but will still buy for a screaming deal. If it's something i really want, or i NEED, i'll just pay asking price in the interest of getting it ASAP.
In reply to HiTempguy:
I'm the No Haggle Guy, you describe, my stuff is researched, and priced to sell, I have no sympathy for whatever story the potential buyer may have, and 95%+ of the time zero wiggle room in my price. If you don't buy it someone else will, I've thankfully never been THAT desperate to unload something.
I'll happily pay asking price and have done so many times when an item is priced appropriately.
If it's something I want and it's overpriced, I'll ask if the seller has any wiggle room, and gauge their reaction, if they were expecting a haggle to begin with, I'll offer below what I think is reasonable and work up to it, but would much prefer the seller had just priced it appropriately to begin with. If it's ridiculously overpriced, I won't waste my time even making contact with the seller.
I'm no haggle most of the time, but everyone wants to think they're getting a deal. I will give 5 or 10 off items less than 100 its something that's hard to move. As Lee said, my selling prices are well researched.
My favourite is the can you meet me somewhere guy This one wants your parts, but because he feels he has a -long- drive, wants you to load the parts into your car and meet him somewhere in the middle.
I had a guy when we were selling the MSM ask if i would take $1000 off because he was coming from PacNW, and wouldn't shut the berkeley up about it.
I asked him "Do you like where you live?"
"Yeah! It's awesome! Why?"
"Then why do you expect me to give you a location discount out of pity?"
I never heard from him again.
Swank Force One wrote:
I had a guy when we were selling the MSM ask if i would take $1000 off because he was coming from PacNW, and wouldn't shut the berkeley up about it.
I asked him "Do you like where you life?"
"Yeah! It's awesome! Why?"
"Then why do you expect me to give you a location discount out of pity?"
I never heard from him again.
Hey. You liked it when you visited....and did you check your spam folder? Er, I mean that guy was a dick. Yeah. Yeah, that's the ticket.... 
mad_machine wrote:
My favourite is the can you meet me somewhere guy This one wants your parts, but because he feels he has a -long- drive, wants you to load the parts into your car and meet him somewhere in the middle.
Was selling after market new GM PU side saddle tanks w/ brackets, straps and sending units. Not much interest so I bottom lined the price. One guy had a 1.5+ hr. haul but agreed to price and would pick up here. The night of pick up he called w/ some sob story about time, blah, blah, blah. I reluctantly agreed to deliver off the interstate at the McD's, almost 45 minutes for me. I wanted this stuff gone!!
It was raining sideways when I pulled in the lot. Once introduced he tried to talk me down further on price, no berkeleying way dickweed. Then... he wanted me to load their SUV in the pouring down rain while tubbo and his fat berkeleying wife sat in the car eating cheeseburgers.
I'd rather throw the parts under a semi on the interstate and walk away.
I was selling a pair of thirdgen Camaro front seats in perfect shape for $200. A guy was restoring a car, and needed this interior color, asked me to meet him a bit south of where I lived, and offered an extra $20 in fuel, plus lunch at the McD's off the highway exit for my trouble. We met up, exchanged cash, shook hands, and I got a free lunch. Stand-up guy.
Wait were these only supposed to be negative stories? 
turboswede wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
I had a guy when we were selling the MSM ask if i would take $1000 off because he was coming from PacNW, and wouldn't shut the berkeley up about it.
I asked him "Do you like where you life?"
"Yeah! It's awesome! Why?"
"Then why do you expect me to give you a location discount out of pity?"
I never heard from him again.
Hey. You liked it when you visited....and did you check your spam folder? Er, I mean that guy was a dick. Yeah. Yeah, that's the ticket....
I DID like PacNW. Very awesome place. 10/10, would live there.
I wasn't referring to you, though. 
Did you send me a something?
8/1/14 12:28 p.m.
I bought a rear end off of a truck forum. I agreed to drive for it, to Knoxville. We (wife and I only at this point) made a fun camping trip out of it. I met him at an event for the forum. Despite not paying the fee for the event, they insisted I eat a plate. When I got there, I eagerly handed the seller the agreed upon $25 (a steal) and he handed me $5 back. He explained that he would have let it go for $20, so we were fine.
There, another positive story.
Flynlow wrote:
I was selling a pair of thirdgen Camaro front seats in perfect shape for $200. A guy was restoring a car, and needed this interior color, asked me to meet him a bit south of where I lived, and offered an extra $20 in fuel, plus lunch at the McD's off the highway exit for my trouble. We met up, exchanged cash, shook hands, and I got a free lunch. Stand-up guy.
Wait were these only supposed to be negative stories?
Trust me, I've met some great people parting cars. Some online friends that I stay in contact with, some that have came to my house a few times to pick parts and BS.
Swank Force One wrote:
turboswede wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
I had a guy when we were selling the MSM ask if i would take $1000 off because he was coming from PacNW, and wouldn't shut the berkeley up about it.
I asked him "Do you like where you life?"
"Yeah! It's awesome! Why?"
"Then why do you expect me to give you a location discount out of pity?"
I never heard from him again.
Hey. You liked it when you visited....and did you check your spam folder? Er, I mean that guy was a dick. Yeah. Yeah, that's the ticket....
I DID like PacNW. Very awesome place. 10/10, would live there.
I wasn't referring to you, though.
Did you send me a something?
No, just my poor attempt at humor. 
Though I had thought about sending you a message about the MSM, but I remembered that it sold.
Plenty of jobs and places to live here, feel free to come back anytime and I'll hook you up with some of the track rats and drag racers. 
Flynlow wrote:
I was selling a pair of thirdgen Camaro front seats in perfect shape for $200. A guy was restoring a car, and needed this interior color, asked me to meet him a bit south of where I lived, and offered an extra $20 in fuel, plus lunch at the McD's off the highway exit for my trouble. We met up, exchanged cash, shook hands, and I got a free lunch. Stand-up guy.
Wait were these only supposed to be negative stories?
Selling a new XJ hitch to an older gentleman, agreed to meet half way. Disabled Marine vet, retired . He offered cash for time and gas. No way, thank you for your service. I offered to install it for free, he declined. What a stand up guy.
There is a flip side.
The why won't you separate it Had a guy ask me to sell the sunroof tracks without the sunroof. I told him no and he said I was being picky.
8/1/14 1:41 p.m.
the kind-of-crazy-guy
I was selling my Freestyle for $3500. Carmax had given us an offer of $2500. I wrote up the ad exactly like that, saying that the car was leaving the next day, first person with cash got it. I found a buyer at $3,300. I was happy. Along the way, I got this E-mail:
Crazy Craigslist Guy wrote:
If you decide to take less. I will give you $2k cash for it. Carmax will show that they will give you more but they really arent. Thanks
I don't even...
8/1/14 2:10 p.m.
fasted58 wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
My favourite is the can you meet me somewhere guy This one wants your parts, but because he feels he has a -long- drive, wants you to load the parts into your car and meet him somewhere in the middle.
Was selling after market new GM PU side saddle tanks w/ brackets, straps and sending units. Not much interest so I bottom lined the price. One guy had a 1.5+ hr. haul but agreed to price and would pick up here. The night of pick up he called w/ some sob story about time, blah, blah, blah. I reluctantly agreed to deliver off the interstate at the McD's, almost 45 minutes for me. I wanted this stuff gone!!
It was raining sideways when I pulled in the lot. Once introduced he tried to talk me down further on price, no berkeleying way dickweed. Then... he wanted me to load their SUV in the pouring down rain while tubbo and his fat berkeleying wife sat in the car eating cheeseburgers.
I'd rather throw the parts under a semi on the interstate and walk away.
I hope you closed your mouth and got back in your truck and just left …. berkeley a bunch of shiny happy people