So we all see cars in commercials, movies, and TV, but they're not necessarily car related. I figured we could have a thread where anyone can ask about a car they saw but couldn't recognize. Most likely someone on the board knows.
So for the first one, The new DirecTV commercial with John Cleese, he's sitting in some sort of vintage open wheel racer. It flashes on the screen for only a second, so I can't quite make out what it is.
Anyone know?
I'm guessing a Formula Ford of some sort.

That's what I figured, it was either a Formula Ford or Formula VW.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
That's what I figured, it was either a Formula Ford or Formula VW.
Tires too wide for FV. Either an FF or a Formula Jr.?
8/5/12 10:09 p.m.
Is Cleese a car guy? (I wonder if it's his own).
8/5/12 10:30 p.m.
It's not a Vee; note the pod filter on the engine cover and the lack of the obvious front suspension uprights.
It may be an FF but there were lesser formulae that used engines smaller then the Kent 1600.
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Great idea. Here is one with a personal story...
This is a pic of my biological grandfather. He was killed in 1954, and I don't know much about him. In fact this is the only pic I have ever seen of him. The pic was taken in Rock Hill SC. The date on the back of the pic is 1951 and my dad says he thinks the car was purchased before then.
I'm not an American car guy, so I don't know. I've been told its a 36 Chevy. Any help would be great.