914Driver wrote:
Who knew?
Sitting at your computer, lift your right foot off the floor. Make clockwise circles.
While doing this, draw the number 6 in the air.
Your foot will change direction. It's your brain, it'll be OK....
Not if you draw the 6 in the air with your left hand and use your right foot to make clockwise circles.
Who knew!
Who knew people could be so stupid and still breath unassisted?
Just talking to an Italian co-worker who’s been in the US 5 years. She originally came to Portland Oregon. Two true stories of things people said to her in the first 6 months.
‘You’re from Rome? That’s so cool, that’s where Dracula came from’
‘Why did they leave the Colosseum standing after they filmed Gladiator’
So soy beans are healthful and cause cancer? Who knew?
Hulk Hogan opened a restaurant called Hulk Hogan's Pastamania. Who knew?
Bonus in the video: a rap about saying no to drugs.
An over-charged battery causes a smell of natural gas...
Laclede Gas apparently knew...
Sperlo's wife, upon walking into the room: "Eww! Who cut the cheese?"
Sperlo: "Nobody, Honey. That's just an overcharged battery."
Movies are fictional and aren't actually documentaries?
Who knew?
The pedal on the right makes the car go faster? Who knew?
No one on the way home, apparently. 
I must look quite insane drawing 6s in the air whilst circling my foot around, but I don't care. It feels right.
If you are standing next to a fence that is struck by lightning, it could kill you and all the cows standing with you. 

Who knew??
Democracy only works in theory. Who knew?
Renault in Argentina built a car based on a hybrid of the Rambler American and Classic that used Jeep Tornado engines called the Torino.

Who knew?
Politician's only work in theory - Who knew?
Reality TV isn't reality. Who knew?
Huh...just heard there were already people living in America before Christopher Columbus got here! Who knew?
Roads have artificially-imposed limits on how fast you can drive on them. Some even have signs or something. Who knew?
There is no "e" in Camaro.
kazoospec wrote:
There is no "e" in Camaro.
Okay, that one's just wrong.
kazoospec wrote:
There is no "e" in Camaro.
This thread is for facts only. Take your hearsay elsewhere!
The copperheads get really active after a few cold days.
Who knew?