I'm nominating A Million Ways To Die In The West.
I've never seen a movie as bad as this. Ever. People started walking out about 10 minutes into it. By the end, there were five of us left, and three were teenage boys. We all agreed, it was really bad.
Memorable highlights were the two minutes of watching a man crap into hats. Then step in it, close up. With enough sound effects to embarrass young boys. The slow zoom in and close up of a sheep penis. Glistening, throbbing, extending. The dramatic opening of its urethra, and the pissing onto the camera lens. More sheep penises, now in a chorus line, urinating an artistic fountain. The bad guy runway walking into the bar. Another scene of the bad guy getting a flower inserted into his ass. Scene after scene with the Christian hooker covered in sperm. The dialogue, which used only f*** for all adjectives, adverbs, and most verbs and nouns.
The director had visions of being Mel Brooks, he lifted scenes straight out of Blazing Saddle, and wrecked every one of them. The actors and acting was as dead and sometimes embarrassed as I've ever seen.
I lost two hours of my life to this, and I resent it.
So, what's your worse movie ever?
Sounds like "Bruno" only worse.
Well what did you expect from Seth McFarland?
Probably the worst for me was the latest Bond film. I hated it and walked out after about 20 minutes.
Bad Santa is the only movie that I ever walked out on... and I even saw Ishtar in a theater.
spitfirebill wrote:
Well what did you expect from Seth McFarland?
Plus one million. Its been downhill since the first couple seasons of family guy (which were actually great IMO)
Seems everything he does now is E36 M3.
Woody wrote:
*Bad Santa* is the only movie that I ever walked out on... and I even saw *Ishtar* in a theater.
Bad Santa is Hilarious. Bruno is horrible.
New Reader
6/26/14 7:15 p.m.
Borat, I made it 20 minutes in at a friends place in college before I said berkeley this. I thought Redline was pretty horrible, although I didn't walk out of the theater.
1kris06 wrote:
Borat, I made it 20 minutes in at a friends place in college before I said berkeley this.
id have to go with this as well. I know there are far worse, but so far I have managed to determine that before watching any of them.
spitfirebill wrote:
Well what did you expect from Seth McFarland?
Ug. You sound like my wife. I was oblivious, it looked funny in the tv adds!
Eraserhead. Holy crap was it ever horrible. It has to be the worst thing I ever got up and walked out of. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074486/

Of course, all the artiste types loved it. Musta been all the acid etc... the trailers for Million Ways To Die In the West reminded me of 'Deadwood' which was basically a remake of the average Western with a lot of cussing and sex scenes. Whoop de doo...
Need For Speed was godawful, but I finished it.
@Toyman, how could you not like a Bond movie? The first 20 minutes were action packed, what did you expect it to be? Skyfall was epic. Matter of fact, I'm going to go watch it right now!
Epic Movie.

The worst part is that it was showing on TV the other day and I spent an hour watching, I just did not know if it was a real movie or a joke.
Bruno, The Marine....there are so many.....ohhhh, Mystery Men.
I bugged and bugged my wife to go see Waking Life with me when we were dating. After a nice dinner we went to the only theater in town showing it (the now closed Drexel in Grandview Heights, Ohio).
I promptly fell asleep and all these years later I am still reminded of it.
6/26/14 8:12 p.m.
Woody wrote:
*Bad Santa* is the only movie that I ever walked out on... and I even saw *Ishtar* in a theater.
What! I Loved bad santa.
The life aquatic with Bill Murry, was bad.
Smokey and the Bandit III. I loved the first two and have seen them countless times. We walked out on this one and never looked back. I was 8 years old and it was the first time I remember being truly disappointed.
I would vote to keep sequels out of the debate.
6/26/14 8:46 p.m.
Trapped In Paradise.
When I die, no matter how I'm dying, I want that 90 minutes back.
Very close second is Oh Brother Why Art Tough Such A Stupid Movie.
Napoleon Dynamite. I desperately wanted to climb through the screen and shoot the kid to put him out of his misery.
I'm a bit concerned, though. I've seen several really good movies listed here. Next thing, somebody is going to say "The Grand Budapest Hotel" is bad.