Accused 570 lbs. drug dealer brought to court in U-Haul
Tuesday, February 24th 2009, 4:00 AM
A nearly 600-pound man accused of dealing pot and pills needed a U-Haul truck to cart him to court Monday. Stephen Turo, 56, of upstate Genoa, was ordered to appear in Cayuga County Court after missing his last hearing because he's too large to fit in a normal-size car.
Turo, who tops the scales at 570 pounds, was transported to the trial in the back of the U-Haul, which was backed up to the courthouse loading dock, where his arraignment was held.
What, no seat belt? That can't be legal!
They used cargo straps. You don't want that load coming loose and rolling around.
Good thing the courthouse had a loading dock. What foresight!
So...if he serves time...are they going to have to make a cell for him?
2/24/09 10:38 a.m.
No cell needed, just keep U-Haul trucks away...there is no way he could run very far. Just tether him out in the courthouse lawn.
However, he might use the lawn for growing a cash crop...
WTF was he dealing?! Twinkies?
Xceler8x wrote:
WTF was he dealing?! Twinkies?
He might have been accepting them as payment.
Customer: "Hiya, I'll take a '24 box twinkie bag.'" (instead of a "dime bag.")
Dealer: "Alright, that'll be one twenty four box of twinkies kind sir...I bid you good morrow!"
I bet he is the inspiration for the Skinny Pete charachter in The Italian Job (2003)!
I'm guessing that a 570 pound man has access to a lot of pain killers.
New Reader
2/24/09 2:56 p.m.
I think he should have not got high off his own supply. just think how skinny he would be if he had been selling meth or coke .
he was... you should have seen him before the meth
haha, this is like 20 minutes north of me and on my trip to/from school. This town has about 20 dairy farms and possibly as many people.