I drive 25 miles one way to work, mostly at 72 - 76 mph. This morning it's 25* out, I passed three plow trucks sprinkling salt on the road.
Work is next to a three lane headed to Albany, the Capitol. I get out of the truck, collect the coffee, lunch, paper, badge and as I shut the door I see MOTORCYCLE blistering south through traffic.
Must be Vikings in upstate NY. That is hardcore. I put a scarf on to get the paper at the end of the driveway this AM. Screw this 11F E36 M3.
11's not a temp, it's a volume

I had a friend who rode tell me that people that don't ride during winter are posers. Crazy people.
Drewsifer wrote:
I had a friend who rode tell me that people that don't ride during winter are posers. Crazy people.
Good thing I ride in the winter 
I can totally see riding on a day like today...
...In Argentina or somewhere else in the southern hemisphere.
I think a winter beater car is cheaper than all the gear I'd need to be "comfortable" riding through the winter here...not to mention it wouldn't end up on its side nearly as easily.
Drewsifer wrote:
I had a friend who rode tell me that people that don't ride during winter are posers. Crazy people.
I only refrain from riding when it ices over. Like last night...
Daily rider.
Drewsifer wrote:
I had a friend who rode tell me that people that don't ride during winter are posers. Crazy people.
Huh. I just figured people who ride when its obviously not enjoyable just didn't have a car.
I wonder if people who only jet ski in summer are posing as well.
I have a friend with a 2WD Ural side hack. You want to see the look on the faces of snowmobilers when he toodles up the path.
I pass a guy every day who rides a BMW touring bike, rain or shine. One day, I was driving in a blizzard and I was sure that I wouldn't see him. The next thing I see is him coming towards me on an old BMW with a sidecar.
i took a firearms course last saturday, it was below 30*... and in rides our instructor on a 73 harley wearing a german ww2 helmet with a laptop bag bungee corded to the handle bars, a second bag bungeed to the frame, and a big duffel bag draped across the fuel tank. apparently its his only transportation... living in boston no less.... and his ride was about an hour like that. 
In reply to Grtechguy:
Ding ding 
Rain, heat, or cold . . .doesn't bother me . . .
Mine needs a front tire, chain and sprockets. Also, I decided to pay for insurance on the Miata instead of the bike, so it's up for the winter. Should come back in the spring with a new paint job though. Need to get a more off road oriented bike for the winter months, something with knobbies.
In reply to 914Driver:
Ahh, Albany. The last time I was there, it seemed like the traffic there has gotten a lot worse since I left in '96. On the plus side, it does look like the city isn't dying any more.
The weather we're having in Raleigh is starting to remind me of my home city.
Side note: This was the most predictable speed trap location when I lived there:
I have a friend who put snow tires on his Piaggio scooter, and rode it through the winter.
In summer, he rode a Goldwing, the Piaggio was his winter beater
doesn't Albany have two seasons? winter and construction.
it's currently snowing in D.C. and I'll be riding my bicycle to work later in cargo shorts, which I will wear all winter.
It might be fun to ride a street legal ATV in winter but I wouldn't get out on a motorcycle.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Elefant Rally in Germany.
Elefant Rally post on UKGSer.com

More story and pics at the link.
We had 3" of snow here by morning commute. I passed a guy on a bicycle!
I see him most days, except the extreme cold one, and I've even stopped briefly at a light to talk to him once. He rides about 7-miles each way, up & down some significant hills. His main ride looks like a cyclocross bike, and this guy seriously hauls. He beats traffic of each & every stoplight to about 20mph, then pedals full-out up AND DOWN each hill! I'm also really surprised he hasn't gotten completely splattered yet.
It snowed in Atlanta the morning of October 31, 1992. It was only flurries, but I remember it because I stayed at a friend's apartment the prior night. I had a wicked hangover and had to ride my Ninja home in the flurries. I traded it back to the previous owner for return of my 240Z. I was done with cold weather riding at that point.
I guess I am just a wuss. Regardless of how I dressed, I was always either too hot or too cold when commuting on my motorcycle. Sometimes I'd be too hot and too cold on the same ride. Now, roughing it means driving a car that hasn't been garaged over night.
I was in Atlanta yesterday. 25 degrees, and the city was basically shut down. (Apparently, they don't have a way to heat hotel lobbies or hallways either! brrrrrr)
I would rock a 2wd Ural in the winter here. absolutely!
mistanfo wrote:
Mine needs a front tire, chain and sprockets.
Somehow I read this as you need tire chains. 
12/16/10 7:23 p.m.
I bet he had an ADV sticker.