As the link says, This Guy is a bad-ass.
Count Robert de La Rochefoucauld
As the link says, This Guy is a bad-ass.
Count Robert de La Rochefoucauld
Holy E36 M3... That's awesome! They need to make a TRUE story movie of his life. Srsly, would make tons of $$$$$$$.
I have a new favorite website. That guy is officially my hero. Let's start a petition to make a movie of his story, shall we?
I like the story and would love to see his exploits made into a movie. But I hope somebody with some body with better writing style (that would be just about anybody) writes it, not the foul mouthed idiot that wrote that. When I taught high school (ironically, he has the same writing style as all the kids that had tethers and parol officer visits) I would tell the kids that profanity is for when you are not intelligent enough to express yourself otherwise.
I would love to have been able to read that story out loud to my wife and kids.....
You could read This Obit of the Count to anyone.
If someone presented his story as a movie, it would be nixed because it sounded too far-fetched. What an amazing story he lived.
DrBoost wrote: I like the story and would love to see his exploits made into a movie. But I hope somebody with some body with better writing style (that would be just about anybody) writes it, not the foul mouthed idiot that wrote that. When I taught high school (ironically, he has the same writing style as all the kids that had tethers and parol officer visits) I would tell the kids that profanity is for when you are not intelligent enough to express yourself otherwise. I would love to have been able to read that story out loud to my wife and kids.....
plus a lot- that was pretty pathetic writing.
Good story, very badly told.
There have been moves about French Resistance, mostly in French, and many in the 60's. We've seen a good one about Jean Moulin a few years ago. Oddly, museums dedicated to the Resistance are hard to find, and not all that interesting- we went to one in Paris, and considering the heroism and deeds these people did- it was pretty lacking.
I love reading stories about the Maquis. Amazing.
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