pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/7/13 7:49 a.m.

Had to rush to the hospital this week, Grandma was not doing so well. Wednesday night she was being kept alive by machines.

When I left yesterday, she was sitting up, eating solid foods, asking to go home because she had laundry to finish and walking around the CCU. TOUGH old lady!

Klayfish SuperDork
10/7/13 8:05 a.m.

Sorry to hear it. My wife's grandmother is in a similar situation. She's 95, maybe 96, I forget. Has been in failing health in the past 18 months, but was sharp as a tack prior. A few months ago, we got a call from my wife's aunt saying she was being put into hospice care and it would be days or weeks. She's tough as nails and still hanging in there.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/7/13 8:56 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote: Had to rush to the hospital this week, Grandma was not doing so well. Wednesday night she was being kept alive by machines. When I left yesterday, she was sitting up, eating solid foods, asking to go home because she had laundry to finish and walking around the CCU. TOUGH old lady!

I hate to sound like this.. but generally people (and animals) have one last push of feel good energy before they go. In an animal, it is enough to get it far away from it's herd/pack/pride so it can die and not attract preditors to the rest of them.

I saw my own Grandmother do the same thing your's is. I am sorry

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/7/13 10:04 a.m.

Oh yeah, we know that she isn't going home and resuming her normal life (96 years old with aortic stenosis) but we went from planning a funeral to planning hospice care.

Hal SuperDork
10/7/13 5:23 p.m.
pinchvalve wrote: Oh yeah, we know that she isn't going home and resuming her normal life (96 years old with aortic stenosis) but we went from planning a funeral to planning hospice care.

My wife's 98YO aunt fell and cracked her hip a couple months ago. The doctor's, etc. said she would probably not be able to go home again. After 2 months in the nursing home with therapy every day she is now back home going up and down the stairs 2-3 times a day. And still doing her laundry, cleaning and baking just like she always did. The only conscession she has made is to use the walker she had before but didn't use.

So don't give up on her yet!

Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/7/13 7:34 p.m.

My grandmother made it to 99, she was a tough ol' bird right up to the end.

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/7/13 8:02 p.m.

My grandmother went fishing one day. It's about a 200 yard climb down to "her" fishing hole where she promptly broke her left ankle. No worries though. She climbed back up the hill, got in her 3 on the tree car and drove herself to the hospital. She was in her late 70s at the time. Tough as nails and lived by herself until she was 94 when her mind finally started slipping.

She used to eat Little Debbie oatmeal snacks like they were going out of style. We always said the preservatives were what kept her around so long.

I sure miss her. She missed her 100th birthday by 3 weeks.

Spend every moment you can with her because you are right, they don't make them like they used to.

TRoglodyte Dork
10/7/13 9:00 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote: My grandmother went fishing one day. It's about a 200 yard climb down to "her" fishing hole where she promptly broke her left ankle. No worries though. She climbed back up the hill, got in her 3 on the tree car and drove herself to the hospital. She was in her late 70s at the time. Tough as nails and lived by herself until she was 94 when her mind finally started slipping. She used to eat Little Debbie oatmeal snacks like they were going out of style. We always said the preservatives were what kept her around so long. I sure miss her. She missed her 100th birthday by 3 weeks. Spend every moment you can with her because you are right, they don't make them like they used to.

Use that phone on your hip to talk to her, the price I would pay to have just one more conversation with my mother. . .

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/7/13 11:40 p.m.
TRoglodyte wrote:
Toyman01 wrote: My grandmother went fishing one day. It's about a 200 yard climb down to "her" fishing hole where she promptly broke her left ankle. No worries though. She climbed back up the hill, got in her 3 on the tree car and drove herself to the hospital. She was in her late 70s at the time. Tough as nails and lived by herself until she was 94 when her mind finally started slipping. She used to eat Little Debbie oatmeal snacks like they were going out of style. We always said the preservatives were what kept her around so long. I sure miss her. She missed her 100th birthday by 3 weeks. Spend every moment you can with her because you are right, they don't make them like they used to.
Use that phone on your hip to talk to her, the price I would pay to have just one more conversation with my mother. . .

it's sad.. my remaining Grandmother has 9 grand kids and numerous greats... I am the only one who stayed in contact. Guess that is why I am getting everything my father isn't (he is in florida looking after her)

We refer to my grandmother as the original Little Old Lady from Pasadena. Like the woman in that song, she has always owned big engined cars and always drove them fast. Wether it was a big block caddy or a Rabbit GTI, she liked her fast cars

Rufledt Dork
10/8/13 12:42 a.m.

Agreed. Both of my grandmothers (87 and 88) currently live on their own, both have some health problems but nothing that means they can't walk stairs on their own/do their own chores.

My one grandmother (and my mom) is a lot like mad machines'. They are/were both fans of big engined cars and used to race people a lot (my mom still does occasionally in her supra to 'teach young punks a lesson about trying to race me', but don't tell the cops ). My grandmother kinda gave up driving, though. She's still capable, a few years ago she drove to our family xmas in a blizzard without a problem, but she says her eyes are getting to the point where she can't read the speedo anymore. Since she has a heavy foot and doesn't feel like dying in a fiery wreck anytime soon, she hung up the keys.

My other grandma was in the hospital for chemo recently and had to be defibrillated at one point, but was home a couple days later.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
10/8/13 6:42 a.m.

My grandmother quit driving at 87 because her night vision got really bad. Her last car was a turbo LeBaron.

mtn UltimaDork
10/8/13 7:36 a.m.

I really wish my great aunt would give up the fight for the keys. Mom took her keys a couple years ago, because otherwise we would be seeing the outcome on the evening news, but that woman will not let it go.

Sput Reader
10/9/13 7:43 p.m.

My mommy and sister just finished a two week walk around southern Ireland. Mom is 87. Wow.

Lesley PowerDork
10/9/13 8:55 p.m.

Oh, your mum is cute. Love the smile.

MrJoshua PowerDork
10/9/13 9:01 p.m.

My grandmother just turned 90 Sept 11th. She still comes to train 3x a week. On Wednesdays she has to do two rounds of lunges instead of one. She was a little tired today because she had already been to workout with a physical therapist to improve her balance but she muscled through. Yeah, I hope I'm half as tough as her at 90.

TRoglodyte Dork
10/9/13 9:42 p.m.

My Mom could cook anywhere , anytime .

rambler68 New Reader
10/9/13 10:42 p.m.

My mom just celebrated her 83rd birthday last weekend. After a hip replacement in May, she's going strong again, tending her garden and orchard, mowing the lawn, driving the car, etc. And she's the baby sister yet; the older ones are 88 and 96, both still very active and independent! All of Mom's aunts lived into their 90's and some in the 100's. If it hadn't been for cancer, my grandmother would have probably made it to 100; 94 is still a pretty good life (and she was independent until the last 6 months). Gathering as many stories and information as possible while they're still here, because you just never know when the call will come...

FranktheTank HalfDork
10/9/13 11:03 p.m.

A guy I work withs grandmother is 98.he had been taking care of her for 3 years... His wife died of cancer, she cooked him breakfast lunch and dinner for 6 months. He still has to call her every morning at 10.

She said if she doesn't answer she had funeral clothes folded for us to dress her in if she doesn't answer. Never count out anyone until The Lord calls them home, could be me or you in 5 minutes.

Both my grandmothers have passed... That generation was both tougher and smarter than us. I dread life when the last of the wise leave us.

10/10/13 5:46 a.m.

I hope she lives to be a hundred and ten, i never had any grandparents, i think i missed out on some stuff.

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