I am by no means the English major and can throw down some confusing sentences, but sometimes even my head explodes. 4 tries to get it right in a post complaining about stupid people.
I am by no means the English major and can throw down some confusing sentences, but sometimes even my head explodes. 4 tries to get it right in a post complaining about stupid people.
Related: my phone seems to always autocorrect "were" to "we're" which creates some confusing texts.
Also, there are two different words referenced in the following comments by others. They're and their are both correct in this case :P
Mine does too. I try to proofread before posting. The OP got edited twice due my inability to proofread on the first try. God forbid the spell checker ever stops working. I may just stop posting at that point.
In reply to eastsideTim :
It should probably read as follows.
"If they're that stupid with the leftovers, they're probably that stupid with their boat."
Referring to a picture where someone dumped the offal from cleaning fish on a boat ramp.
Toyman01 said:Mine does too. I try to proofread before posting. The OP got edited twice due my inability to proofread on the first try. God forbid the spell checker ever stops working. I may just stop posting at that point.
If the ability to edit my posts ever goes away on this forum, I am screwed.
I've seen a T-shirt with "There and Their. They're not the same."
I'd been thinking of starting a discussion to ask who else besides me proofreads and edits their posts for grammar and punctuation.
In reply to Floating Doc :
I proofread mine, but I suck at grammar and punctuation. I can also read it several times and only notice a mistake after I post it. I think that has to do with the font and the ability to see the entire post at one time. Even then I still miss mistakes on occasion. I can't count the number of times I have Googled something to see if I was using the correct word. Usually stupid things like affect and effect or loose and lose.
This post was edited after the fact for clarity.
In reply to Floating Doc :
I try. Swype doesn't help things, and the double tap which selects and lets you change words on every other website and app doesn't work with GRMs text boxes.
A panda walks into a cafe. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air.
"Why?" asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.
"I'm a panda," he says, at the door. "Look it up."
The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds and explanation.
"Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."
So, punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death.
Toyman01 said:In reply to Robbie :
It is frequently irritating that we can't edit titles.
all it takes is an attentive, sympathetic mod
sleepyhead the buffalo said:Toyman01 said:In reply to Robbie :
It is frequently irritating that we can't edit titles.
all it takes is an attentive, sympathetic mod
sleephead made a comment about attentive. That made me smile. Thanks!
Thanks for the title change too!!!
Sure thing... just keep in mind that: mod capacity is down a little with the deuce checked out. Also, hit up “Report Canoes” for any/all requests. It’s a good place to flag any one of us down.
also, I’m far from immune from grammar mistakes. But weird al definitely helped me out on its/it’s
In reply to sleepyhead the buffalo :
I know what my daughter is watching on repeat tonight!
(And me too. My grammar and proofreading has really gone to E36 M3 lately)
of course, this being the internet... the reason I came into this thread, saw the title request was because of OneLap photo that made me think of a cat farting rainbows... which lead me to finding Nyan Cat (which the sleepykids loved)... which set off a bit of a "funny kid/internet music" spree
this buffalo should probably stay away from fungus while grazing
In reply to sleepyhead the buffalo :
Well I have now. Maybe I'll finally get "its" and "it's" sorted out now.
Normally I hate poor grammar and spelling but I have begun intentionally using “yore” in some emails to replace both “your” and “you’re”. A coworker confused them in an email which I felt was fine since English is his fourth language but someone we don’t personally know needed to angrily correct him in a large group message. My hate for aggressive grammar Nazis is stronger than my love of correct word usage. I know somewhere he’s twitching every time he sees “yore” pop up where it clearly doesn’t belong.
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