Kitchen supplies make good presents
Once upon a time I thought I would be touring with a band until I was at least 30 or working in a recording studio.
I'm 25 now and currently working as a music teacher and leadership mentor. What...
I'd also be surprised that I don't own a Mustang. But maybe that's only a matter of time
At 17, I thought that I would be putting what big name music stars came up with on paper for them so they could publish and record it. Music composition and arrangement. Music education as a backup. Good thing I never followed through on that as computers do it now. Didn't have that tech when I was 17 though. The 17yo me would be surprised how I turned out, what I've done and what I do know. At 17 I was doing everything I could not to be like dad. Now I'm like him. He was an aircraft mech and airfield manager at an Air Force Base. I was a helicopter mech in the army, licensed A&P mech and now am an army civilian in aviation management. And I left California where I grew up and don't even consider moving back.
G_Body_Man wrote: When I was 12: "I need two 12" subs and a massive amplifier and a double din nav system" Now: "A properly tuned system with two a-pillar mounted tweeters, a 6.5 in each front door and two 6x9s on the rear deck run through a discreet underseat 150w amp and a blaupunkt head unit would be absolutely perfect"
Wait a minute, aren't you our resident kid? 15 year old G body man cannot reference 12 year old G body man. Just no.
KyAllroad wrote:G_Body_Man wrote: When I was 12: "I need two 12" subs and a massive amplifier and a double din nav system" Now: "A properly tuned system with two a-pillar mounted tweeters, a 6.5 in each front door and two 6x9s on the rear deck run through a discreet underseat 150w amp and a blaupunkt head unit would be absolutely perfect"Wait a minute, aren't you our resident kid? 15 year old G body man cannot reference 12 year old G body man. Just no.![]()
Fair enough. I guess even a few years ago I overestimated my current teenage self. For one, I thought I'd be better with my money.
G_Body_Man wrote: I bought the worst condition running and driving car in an 80 km radius.
Hey...I dont think you are old enough to play this game!
As to your car issue, hey, its called "failure" most of us leave a trail of the stuff behind us as we get older. The key word here is "Behind us" as that frees us up to move on to other things and build the road to success.
"Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from a lack of wisdom". Not my words but very true. What happens with your car is not nearly as important as what you are going to get out of the experience in the long term.
Hang around. Let us re-visit this in about 5 years. Or what I call the blink of an eye.
17-year-old me would be shocked that 50-year-old me sold our 1967 LeMans. 50-year-old me needed the garage space and has the maturity to realize the car is better off being driven rather than merely possessed.
NOHOME wrote:G_Body_Man wrote: I bought the worst condition running and driving car in an 80 km radius.Hey...I dont think you are old enough to play this game! As to your car issue, hey, its called "failure" most of us leave a trail of the stuff behind us as we get older. The key word here is "Behind us" as that frees us up to move on to other things and build the road to success. "Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from a lack of wisdom". Not my words but very true. What happens with your car is not nearly as important as what you are going to get out of the experience in the long term. Hang around. Let us re-visit this in about 5 years. Or what I call the blink of an eye.![]()
I think it's called "stupidity" and "accidentally skipping my meds" that made me purchase it.
17 year old me would be shocked at a garage full of British cars and nary a 4x4 or muscle car in sight.
Hell... 27 year old me would be shocked as well...
However, 17 year old me would be very happy with the current guitar collection. ...although he'd be very disappointed in how well I can play them.
I misread the thread title. The younger me would be surprised that the older me doesn't own a car, doesn't drive a race car and doesn't work on race cars. That's all I was thinking about back then.
17yo me would be suprised how bad hangovers hurt when youre 33. I guess Hank jr was right all along.
17-year-old me would be surprised to learn that everything I thought was important isn't even worth paying attention to anymore, and everything I thought was stupid turned out to be at least somewhat important.
I think 17yo Trent would think 41yo Me is a cool guy but would wonder why he wasn't playing and touring with bands and playing with cars instead.
Good timing. I had a moment of reflection yesterday when I realized just how happy I was that we had a whole extra box of Fiber One bars in the pantry.
I have way more money than I did at 17, so I spend less time reading the manual, the reviews, the shop manual, and whatever other things I can get my hands on to understand whatever dohicky I'm obsessing over buying. I wanted a Macintosh back then, preferably a Powerbook 100. This so far beyond my means it was silly. At one point, I remember reading the Apple Developer's Guide on User Interface Guidelines, among other things.
Today, I have a signed Susan Kare print on my wall, but I don't geek out quite as much. Now, I generally read a bit and then buy it. I wonder if I've lost something by not becoming more expert in my purchases.
The 17 y/o me would have his jaw drop at the 57 y/o me being a dad. He'd probably run screaming until he found that over the years he's managed to own some pretty cool cars and bikes plus has known a few ladies. He'd be aghast to learn that future him has cancer. Ya win some, ya lose some.
17 year old me honestly wouldn't be very surprised about where I am right now. Probably thought there would be more money, but lately I've started saying "ferrari's are cheap" so I guess it is all relative.
Probably the thing that would surprise him the most is not being married and having a kid/kid on the way. And probably how he didn't purchase his first home until now. Always seemed inevitable, and 17 year old me didn't mind that thought then and I still don't mind it now if it happens.
17 year old me would be pissed if I told that there were opportunities to compete in the WRC that I completely missed out on! Oh the 20/20 hindsight
-17 year old me would be appalled that I now drive a FWD Mazda for a daily driver and not a V8-powered American RWD muscle car. I did not like FWD or "imports" back then.
-17 year old me would be pleased to know that I still own at least one V8-powered something, but he would be angry at me because it's been sitting for 3 years.
-17 year old me would revel in the fact that we now have telephones that are basically fully-featured computers, and that they are the "communicator", "Tricorder", and "Padd" from Star Trek all wrapped into one device, and that it takes better pics than my dad's old 35mm camera.
-17 year old me would be surprised to see that I am now married and a home owner at 33. I thought I would be single and living in a barn or garage forever. At least the house has a garage!
-17 year old me would be surprised to see that the essay I wrote on my "dream car" (a Saturn Yellow 1970 Buick GSX at the time) would send me on a journey that would culminate in me getting a regular writing gig earlier this year with a popular car publication with roots in the car magazines I used to read. That still blows me away every day!
Other than that stuff, I'm basically the same. I hang with the same people and do the same stupid crap with them that I have done for years, and I don't think that will ever change. And that's not a bad thing; that's a good thing!
I've owned a Prius.
I voted for Obama. Twice.
I have friends that are gay.
The most exotic/true sports cars I've owned I barely drove or raced.
I went 6 years without a computer upgrade. My video card is almost 7 years old.
17 year old me would have been very surprised that marrying a hot chick and staying at home to take care of the kids was a career option. 39 year old me is still quite awed by my reality.
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