When you drive an NYG Neon on the street (complete with class/numbers/sponsor decals, etc.), you soon learn to behave yourself around town. It's not like you can outrun a cop and pull into a full parking lot to hide, saying "No officer, that wasn't me.". It's pretty much a given that they will recognize the car right away.
Still, we all get the occasional urge, and we all have our favorite places to "let it roll". The 4 way stop 1/2 mile from my street is one of my places. This rural road is just long enough to run ~1/4 mile at WOT and shut down before turning into my street (on 3 wheels). On this particular afternoon, the urge hit, so I left the intersection bent on "blowing out some carbon". 
Mikey was running fine and screaming sweet, and at the top of 3rd gear, I saw a car coming the other way. You guessed it: County Sheriff.
Sure enough, blue lights and he's turning around fast. I have just enough time to brake for the turn into my street, so, anticipating a ticket, I pull into my front yard near the street (odd, since I always park in the rear), shut the car off, get out, and lean against the fender waiting. Seconds later, here he comes wide open down my street. Upon seeing me standing next to the car, he almost loses control braking to turn into my yard.
He gets out in an obvious huff (did I mention it's about 2 minutes before his shift change?), and starts in on me about being clocked at 84 in a 35 zone. I knew I was guilty, and I deserved it. Then he added the kicker: "Plus running the stop sign." I knew there was no way he could see the intersection from where he was when I launched, so I told him I didn't run the stop sign at all. He said that I must have, because there was no way I could have been going 84 MPH in that short of a distance. I swore to him I did it from a dead stop. That's when he started looking at the car. "What is this? A Neon? No way."
"Yessir, that's what it is. I've done a little work on it." I replied, grinning a little.
He peers into the car and says, "Is that a roll bar? What's with all these stickers on the side?"
"Well, officer, I sometimes kinda race it down at Watermelon"
"In Cordele? I've been down there.. nice little track."
"That's the place. Autocross. Spirited precision driving, kinda like they teach y'all in pursuit school up in Forsyth."
"Ever been there?" he asks.
"Never ran the course, but I know a couple of the instructors. One of 'em ran at our last event. In the K9 cruiser, with the dog in the car"
My lucky day: I'd run across a gearhead Mountie. We got to talking, and it turns out that I had sold him a Husky chainsaw many years before when I worked at a hardware store, and he reckoned it was the best chainsaw he'd ever owned. After we shot the bull a bit longer, he said he had to go make his shift change. No warning ticket.. nothing!
Lessons learned: Stop when you know they are after you. Tell the truth. Be respectful and friendly. Never sell a cop a crummy chainsaw.