My son and I will be in SLC on Saturday the 16th of July and it looks like we'll have a free day to actually vacation.
Just looking for some ideas of things to do with him. He's 10.
Background: We'll be there for his kart Nationals, so yes, he's into anything with four wheels and a motor. We rarely get to "vacation" since we only travel so he can race and the track will be closed until Monday (no early practice)
The Salt Flats are within driving distance, but there is nothing going on that weekend from what I can tell
I know the Temple Square is a big attraction in SLC, but I don't think either of us would enjoy it much.
Natural history museums and aquariums would be cool.
Any ideas?
John Brown wrote:
Are you monogamous?
If I want to come home I am!!!
5/23/11 4:55 p.m.
Do you want to come home?
rent a car & drive to the salt flats just to check it out. take pictures!
Miller motorsports park had a nice Kart track with 10 lamp drive for cheap.
Go out to the salt lake for a swim and bob like a cork. It's fun and educational for your son to learn why the salt lake allows you to float easier.
We will have a car, so we could go anywhere within a 100 miles or so.
I seriously thought about the flats, but I think it'd be pretty boring without something going on. Especially considering it's almost 300 miles round trip. We'll only really have Saturday to do something.
Keep the suggestions coming!!
Yes, I would check out Miller. While you are there, poke around the Larry H. Miller Total Performance Museum.
museum pics.
Snowbird is having a free music festival that weekend. Some of the resorts run their lifts in the summer so you can walk on the top of the mountain ridges which is pretty awesome. To be honest I was never that impressed with the museums in SLC but the outdoors are amazing. There are some good cafes up in the canyons just east of the zoo and in the Sugarhouse area. For mexican food I like Red Iguana.
Sorry, should have been more specific. He'll be racing at Miller Motorsports Park (the kart track there) the entire week. I'm just looking for us to have some down time and relaxation before a really hard week of racing.
Ojala, I kinda got the impression there wasn't much in town, but though about heading out to the Great Salt Lake, sounds like we need to head up to the canyons too.
Afterall, he's a Texas boy. It'll take him a little while just getting use to seeing mountains!!
Another vote for Red Iguana.