I'm taking the family on a little mini-vacation and we plan to drive out to Springfield on Monday and stay there until Wednesday morning. Our party will consist of; myself, the wife, our 5 year old daughter, our 4 year old son, the wife's parents and her grand parents.
We already plan to hit Lambert's ( Apparently they throw stuff at you...), Bass Pro Shops and Fantastic Caverns.
Any other suggestions?
The home of throwed rolls is an experience, I've been to both. One in Sikeston (east) and Springfield. There is a train museum there also. Silver Dollar City - the typical tourist trap amusement park.
Check out one of the many Route 66 sites to check stuff out?
Suicide springs to mind. 
Actually, Springfield has gotten more interesting over the last decade or so. From what I understand, there's a decent art and theater scene downtown, due to the proximity of SMSU. Branson is up the road about half an hour if you have any interest in country music. Lamberts is actually worth the wait (and you will probably have to wait).
wlkelley3 wrote:
The home of throwed rolls is an experience, I've been to both. One in Sikeston (east) and Springfield. There is a train museum there also. Silver Dollar City - the typical tourist trap amusement park.
You know they've also got a Lambert's in Foley, Alabama, right?
I've been to Lambert's in Foley and Sikeston. Both were great. Go hungry. I had a massive ham steak, and made the mistake of telling the server I could eat another. They hand out seconds, I discovered. If you leave hungry, it's your fault. 
psteav wrote:
wlkelley3 wrote:
The home of throwed rolls is an experience, I've been to both. One in Sikeston (east) and Springfield. There is a train museum there also. Silver Dollar City - the typical tourist trap amusement park.
You know they've also got a Lambert's in Foley, Alabama, right?
I'd forgotten about that. Haven't been to it. Guess I'll have to do a road trip and try it out.
Only problem is not really interested in Gulf Shores myself.
Wasn't sure how far from where Foley was from where you're at. Given the way Alabama is laid out, Sikeston might be almost as close as Foley if you're in the northwest corner.
EDIT: Actually, Sikeston is apparently 50 miles closer to Huntsville than Foley. I'll be damned.
Used to do instrument training flights in helicopters from Ft Campbell to Sikeston. Have a meal then fly back. Go to Springfield once in a while for work plus have family there so make it there sometimes. No reason to go to Gulf Shores. If I want the beach, there are better beaches to go to. Like visit family in CA and go to the beach like I did last month. Just my take. Plus, there's a beach close to where my mom lives in CA that has a nice 12 mile canyon drive to get to it and there is a diner that serves great burgers there. Jalama State Beach.
Bass Pro Shops. Go there for dinner, they have a lovely restaurant (seriously)
Quick jaunt down to Branson?
Didn't the Health Department shut down the "throwed rolls"?
Can't say much about Springfield and touristy stuff, I visit since I have a lot of family there, and always considered it a great place to live, but not a lot to do as a tourist, other than what you've already covered.
My suggestion would be more to do with things to do on the road. Meramac caverns is awesome, if a little overcommercialized, and Meramac Springs park (off the St James, MO exit) is great for cheaper fun, the kids would probably love to feed the fish at the hatchery there.