Wow and you still have not wreck'd this car yet?
As far as other drivers go, I commute from NH to Boston 5 days to the tune of 130 miles round trip each day. By far the BIGGEST offense that would ease the most amount of traffic/frustration is keep right EXCEPT to pass. I consider it proper driving technique(actually looking in your mirrors AND reacting to what you see) and common courtesy to get out of the way of faster traffic.
My girlfriend of 3 years is about the only person that I let drive me anywhere, and after I broke her of the tailgating habit about 3 months into the relationship, pretty much the only thing I say to her is "brake in a straight line before the turn", and "get on the gas sooner/harder" on the autocross course.
Side note: An ex of mine rear-ended a Benz(the weekend of the '01 challenge, in Ormand Beach) in my freshly painted EF civic and tried to tell me later that it wasn't her fault. With out hesitation I responded "When you rear-end someone it is one of three things; You're driving too fast, following too close, or you're not berkeleying paying attention".
Another observation:
Ever notice that trailers do something to the brains of other drivers? Every time I'm pulling a decent sized trailer I'm convinced that its mere presence brings down the IQ of nearbye drivers by 40-50 pts.
If you plan on brake testing me again you had better be sure you can stop us both.
Do that again and let's see if I have a carry permit.
Smile for the camera
Goldmember wrote: By far the BIGGEST offense that would ease the most amount of traffic/frustration is keep right EXCEPT to pass. I consider it proper driving technique(actually looking in your mirrors AND reacting to what you see) and common courtesy to get out of the way of faster traffic.
Any time I'm in the right lane, and see an on-ramp with an unbroken line of cars, it always seems like someone chooses that moment to pass (at my speed + .5mph), right when I need to move left. This is when Mr. Shifter gets friendly with Second Gear and Mr. Tach Needle gets send to The Land of Red-Line, to make a quick getaway before the actual merge.
Amusing are the dirty looks from the ex-passer. "Why'd you do that?" Because I can't fit under a semi, that's why...
after I broke her of the tailgating habit about 3 months into the relationship, pretty much the only thing I say to her is "brake in a straight line before the turn",
I have determined through extensive testing that tailgaters are not interested in going faster. Two clear lanes to the left, I can slow down to 40mph, and the tailgater can't figure out that he or she can go faster if they merely changed lanes. I guess wild gesticulating and frustration is a much better alternative... (I do NOT tolerate tailgaters well. Especially if they have their driving lights on, or HIDs)
Most common thing I yell at other drivers (that is GRM board friendly) is "Were you born stupid or did you learn it from your parents?"
Come to think of it, that's the ONLY thing that won't get filtered...
Goldmember wrote: ...With out hesitation I responded "When you rear-end someone it is one of three things; You're driving too fast, following too close, or you're not berkeleying paying attention".
You're being narrow-minded. It could easily be more than one of those things.
In reply to billy3esq:
Very true! But I guarentee it contains one of those three elements.
Oh! You could be sleeping, which isn't a good plan of action while driving either.
In reply to Goldmember:
The only other person I allow to drive my car is my best friend. I give her much the same feedback - "power out of the corner" and "come on, it's designed for 8k rpm!" are the two I use most often.
"Don't worry, it looks like it's owned by a 16 y.o." this is my Girlfriends honda, bad paint, body damage, quiksilver sticker, and alloys that are worth about half the car
My biggest pet peeve is when people slow down to cross railroad crossings. there is one down the road from where I work that was in a 55 zone that people slow to 30 for...annoying.
maroon92 wrote: My biggest pet peeve is when people slow down to cross railroad crossings. there is one down the road from where I work that was in a 55 zone that people slow to 30 for...annoying.
Some of us have worn out suspension lol.
EastCoastMojo wrote:maroon92 wrote: My biggest pet peeve is when people slow down to cross railroad crossings. there is one down the road from where I work that was in a 55 zone that people slow to 30 for...annoying.Some of us have worn out suspension lol.![]()
Some of us don't want worn out suspension from bombing over rough railroad tracks.
Things I actually HAVE said TO THE DRIVER while passenging:
"Texting while driving is statistically more dangerous than driving drunk. Don't do it when I'm in your car. Seriously, stop texting or stop the car." "Considering its rush hour and its raining, I'd prefer you didn't call your mom right now." "passing on the right would be preferrable to tailgating." "You are aware that its below freezing, right? Why don't you drive accordingly?" "I don't know who you think you're impressing, but its not me." "Any particular reason we're still in the left lane?" "quit Bob Costasfooting around and just hit him already."
jdmae92 wrote:EastCoastMojo wrote:Some of us don't want worn out suspension from bombing over rough railroad tracks.maroon92 wrote: My biggest pet peeve is when people slow down to cross railroad crossings. there is one down the road from where I work that was in a 55 zone that people slow to 30 for...annoying.Some of us have worn out suspension lol.![]()
And some of us have bone-jarringly stiff suspension.
But you're right, some drivers do insist on slowing down to unnecessary/annoying speeds for railroad tracks.
Luke wrote:jdmae92 wrote:And some of us have bone-jarringly stiff suspension. But you're right, some drivers do insist on slowing down to unnecessary/annoying speeds for railroad tracks.EastCoastMojo wrote:Some of us don't want worn out suspension from bombing over rough railroad tracks.maroon92 wrote: My biggest pet peeve is when people slow down to cross railroad crossings. there is one down the road from where I work that was in a 55 zone that people slow to 30 for...annoying.Some of us have worn out suspension lol.![]()
No kidding. It always seems like it's the giant SUV crowd that slows to a crawl to go over railroad tracks. I've never figured that one out.
^^ You don't want to jiggle the DVD in the kid's player because the little monster(s) will start screaming which will make Mommy want to take another little pill.
I cannot STAND people who can't or won't maintain a constant speed on the highway. Slow down to 55, speed up to 75, slow down to 60, back up to 80. My dad and to a lesser extent Ms Jensen do this and it drives me insane. At least the wife will use cruise control if gently prompted.
In reply to Jensenman:
dude, no joke. That has got to be my biggest pet peeve on the interstate. If you're going to pass me, friggin pass me. If not, don't friggin play yo-yo and sit behind. I had one guy doing it to me for an hour and a half when I was towing a trailer through florida. I ended up pulling off at a rest stop just to get away from that joker.
Jensenman wrote: I cannot STAND people who can't or won't maintain a constant speed on the highway. Slow down to 55, speed up to 75, slow down to 60, back up to 80. My dad and to a lesser extent Ms Jensen do this and it drives me insane. At least the wife will use cruise control if gently prompted.
Even though it's against my general principles to agree with Jensenman(), I've got to agree completely on this one (substitute mrsbilly3esq for Ms Jensen). I just followed my dad about 80 miles on the highway and was just about nuts when I got to our destination.
Cars running side by side on a two lane carriageway, it makes me so mad, get out of the Berkleying way moron
aussiesmg wrote: Cars running side by side on a two lane carriageway, it makes me so mad, get out of the Berkleying way moron
Yep that's the worst. I'm convinced people feel safe driving side-by-side or something. I find that a good way to break it up is to get behind the trailing roadblocker and just wait a minute. Dropping a couple of gears can speed it up if you don't have time.
Now here are the things I say, the board filters are about to get tested:
"SPEED UP YOU STUPID MOTHERBERKELEYER, YOU'RE NOWHERE NEAR THE SPEED LIMIT" (context: Speed limits here are already ridiculously low)
Note for Tim: Check "SHINY HAPPY PERSON", "MOTHERBERKELEYER", and the capitalization of filter results
I like chasing slower traffic out of the fast lane. Fortunately when people see the benz the rearview mirror a few feet off their bumper they'll speed up and move over. I was lucky enough to have a lady hit the brake in front of me once while I was close, it was a "you stupid woman get off the road." I locked up all fours on the highway, smokey!
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