So my dad, brother and uncle have talked about recreating a trip we took 20 years ago down to Gulf Shores. I had the idea that if might be a whole lot easier on my dad and uncle if we rented an RV for the trip. I was thinking a small RV, like a Class-C (although a Class-A in my price range would be nice). Any advice? I am looking at a 5-day rental and probably putting 850 miles on the RV. I am figuring at least $400 for gas.
Worst case scenario: we just drive my Camry down and rent a hotel room.
Not a bad idea, but I'd budget a little more for gas. If you left the RV idling for 5 days, you'd use more than $400 worth.
Well, I just checked on condo prices in the Gulf Shores area and geez they are cheap. Like, $68 bucks a night for a 3-bedroom cheap. Ummm, yeah, that's too cheap to deny. I'll do the RV thing for a family trip another time.
Save the money spend it on a local charter for fishing , you realize how much time you use up with a slow moving gas guzzling rv with a big sign that informs other drivers rookie driving an rv on the road . Rented rv and trip to the mtns with best girl different story .
yea.. when I drove for a living.. I used to stay FAR away from those rental RVs.
I did see more than a few Semi's cutting it close to them too. Maybe trying to scare them some