I showed my 14 yo son a video last night. His response was, "Can I build one?" My response was, "I don't know, can you?"
This morning he came to me with a wad of cash and a materials list. "I need a ride to Lowes."
A little while later...
I am now sitting in my easy chair listening to small explosions in my back yard. Yes, my neighbors love me.
That looks like a fun toy. Got a parts list or how to?
It's pretty simple.
1 - Auto ignite torch.
10' - 3/4 vinyl tubing.
1 - one gallon bottle.
1 - stick.
Stick the torch in one end of the tube. Add tape to seal.
Stick tube in bottle. Add tape to seal.
Squeeze torch trigger for 15-20 seconds. Then trip the igniter. The flame will travel down the tube and explode in the bottle. It makes a pretty good bang if you get the mixture right.
I'll shoot another video after dark. It should look pretty cool.
We used to do the low tech version of that. Propane being heavier than air, you could fill a two liter bottle with it and light the very top. A stomp or a mighty kick would make a bit of a flame ball. We did not have YouTube or parental supervision. Your version is better.
Hehehe, I bet it's gonna take a long time for him to get bored with that! 
9/30/17 7:48 p.m.
Your kid built one? Awesome. Just saw the YouTube version today. Bonus points for the opening video package.
That is so cool. Way to go, l'il Toyman.
I would say you are raising him right
I wonder how it would work with a giant 5gal water cooler bottle on the end...
Spud gun ? who needs a spud gun when there are BOOM GUNS!!!! Is the local sheriff a relative of yours? 
In reply to pilotbraden :
He want's to try MAPP gas. It's supposed to burn green and burn a little hotter.
I suggest not introducing him to Oxy Acc for a while. 
Woah. I saw a video of one of those a week or two ago. Didn't realize how easy they are to make. Might need to make one soon....
The look on your kid's face in the first video is priceless. You sir are doing parenting right! :)