7/2/09 11:02 p.m.
I am not a huge 'forum' guy, but I have been around a few of the sites that pertained to my cars at different times. The crux, this one rocks, others suck.
ZX2 forum was pretty OK, but every third post was about how to make the transmission not explode into tiny pieces. The others were about reprogramming the remote keyless entry.
The Honda Civic forum was the worst. I figure, 'hey, I'll bet the instructions to change the timing belt will be on there'. What I got was "ZOMG my Honda beat a NAWWWS Z06 with a stock 1.6L 92 hatch yo! I'm hoping to have something to hook into my killerzz boost gage soon! Where do you all get your neon lights from?"
That was a toughie.
The truck forum is pretty cool actually, if you own a 67-72 chevy or GMC truck.
But there is nothing like this. Nothing. Where else would you get a list of recommended cars that includes cop cars, Miatas and Yugos at the same time, for the same application!?
Where else will people actually entertain your thoughts of slapping a FWD drivetrain into a Fiero? That one is going to be fantastic, by the way!
Where else can you post something ridiculously obvious and not have the first 3,000 posts be "search first" before you get banned?
Nowhere else, that's where.
And that's why this forum (and GRM in general) rocks!
Welcome Brian, hey guys we got another one............
all your bases are mine!!!
New Reader
7/2/09 11:19 p.m.
dang right. the evo forums are like that, too. tons of "SEARCH FIRST NOOB" posts or people quick to rip on anybody who didn't buy something 'JDM' and anyone with rota wheels oh boy...
That's pretty much the jist of every other forum, be it car related or not, you should see the E36 M3 that goes down on my wife's site Baby Center.
New Reader
7/2/09 11:34 p.m.
hmmm i'm new here, but i've noticed E36 M3 used alot. synonym for arrogant? prick? idiot? am i close?
E36M3= poop or what ever you say. Some times I say Biscut's when I get mad at thing/people.
You will notice others like
berkeley = fornicate
Bob Costas = the cats vag..a
and so on
New Reader
7/2/09 11:51 p.m.
oo insider language. the anthropologist in me is quivering with excitement 
actually it's a bad word filter, though most of us spell out the less offensive word.
^^^That's Wally. Sometimes he offers useful advice for repair and maintenance projects. Other times, he provides links to interesting news stories. Most of the time, however, he manipulates his way into the "Say What?" section of the magazine. Also, his 1999 Chevy Cavalier coupe was recently featured as the "Internet Hotrod of the Month" and nobody seems to know why... 
Funny....I always first think of the aroma of funnel cakes with Wally.
Yeah, this board is pretty cool. I haven't done much on the Honda boards, just lurked looking for tech info but I have to agree with the 'ZOMG! NEON!!11 1 11!!!' bit.
On my way home, there is a Mom n' Pop restaraunt and they have one of those Sign it Quick signs stuck in the grass out front. It's a huge arrow with 'FUNNEL CAKES'. I keep expecting to see a New York City MTA bus parked outside. 
A few bits on the cast of characters here to get you up to speed:
Jensenman is not normal. He has like 3 Jensens. Despite this, pretty much everything he says is right. And usually funny.
Wally is GRM's version of Jay Leno.
Margie is Tim's wife and will bury your body under her patio if you piss her off.
Per really enjoys it when I make fun of him, in spite of what he may post in reply.
CarKid has ADD. I think he has a new car idea every half hour.
Anyone who does not give the answer to "what car" with "Miata" is a troll.
ddavidv wrote:
A few bits on the cast of characters here to get you up to speed:
Jensenman is not normal. He has like 3 Jensens. Despite this, pretty much everything he says is right. And usually funny.
Not Normal?!!! I can't believe you would say that. I have seen him work on a Spitfire, a Jensen, a Honda, and a Ford in the same day. Talk about ADD. Not only that he can't own a car that has still has the original engine, he's got magical spinning triangles on the brain. He is so far from normal there isn't even a work to describe him.
And please don't tell him he is always right. His head won't fit through his garage door and he will never finish the Jensenator.
I think you will find us all lurking right or left of centre. Nobody here is normal (and if they were, that would be abnormal)
Welcome to the forums, mind the miatas, they are thick around here
Toyman01 wrote:
And please don't tell him he is always right. His head won't fit through his garage door and he will never finish the Jensenator.
He is, sometimes even farther right than me.
Wally wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
And please don't tell him he is always right. His head won't fit through his garage door and he will never finish the Jensenator.
He is, sometimes even farther right than me.
Most of the time actually.
Dang, I didn't make the list. I guess that's a good thing actually. 
Welcome Tuna55!
Yo. I was trying to reprogram the keyless entry on someone's ZX2 while not getting the transmission to explode, and while backing out a parking space, a stock Civic with A pillar guages, a fake BOV sound gizmo and fender flares went by with this big grin on his face making these "Yes, Yes!!!" hand gestures. I wasn't quite sure what he was doing until we left the Wal*Mart parking lot and he got pulled over for holding up traffic.
16vCorey wrote:
Wally wrote:
Toyman01 wrote:
And please don't tell him he is always right. His head won't fit through his garage door and he will never finish the Jensenator.
He is, sometimes even farther right than me.
Most of the time actually.
Aw gee. And all this time I figured y'all knew I am actually an idiot savant. Emphasis on the idiot part. 
I am probably further to the right than Darth Cheney.
(That oughta start somethin'. )
whew......I'm not listed either 
The other car board I visit is vwvortex. It's got a split personality, depending on what chassis you have. The Corrado board's pretty cool, with mostly serious enthusiasts (and some guys who can really troubleshoot & fabricate), but the Mk2 board has a lot of whatever you call German car "ricers". The Mk4 board attracts a lot of the "show & shine" crowd. A lot of the Audi boards are Family Men with station wagons, I've heard..
I've actually stopped posting over there as much since I found this place.