I'm a gear head, certifiably obsessed with cars, have been since I can remember. This forum has been constantly filling my head with ideas both bad and good for years. I will never have the time or money to do half of the things that I want to do, that I wouldn't even have known about, if it wasn't for you bunch of lunatics.
My wife is not into cars. She doesn't understand the obsession. She just can not make sense of it. She has been tolerant of it, even accommodating at times. But she doesn't like sacrificing the time and money I've spent over the years pursuing my passion, which in her mind is fruitless and illogical.
So a couple of years ago I made a deal with her. For a period of five years I would not buy another vehicle, including anything with wheels powered or not, boats or airplanes. I had a company vehicle to get back and forth to work and I had my bike to play around with.
I had resigned myself to this fact. For the last two years I have been content saving money and living vicariously through the forum. Until, old job went away along with company truck. Living in central Texas the weather is conducive to commuting on the bike probably around 48-50 weeks out of the year. Unfortunately, we are in the time of year that it's not. New job started two weeks ago and I rode the first week. Last week was very wet and below freezing in the morning. I can deal with each of those individually but the risk of ice is too great for me to deal with both of them at the same time on a motorcycle. Especially without having health insurance. One little icy patch on a bridge could be very devastating. So I have been relying on the wife to drop me off and pick me up from work. Luckily her schedule allows that.
But it's freaking killing me. I hate having to rely on someone else to get around. I have been searching Craigslist like a maniac for the last week. I don't want to break my deal with her but I need a car. I know in a week or two the temps will be up and I will be fine on the bike again until next winter but I need a car. I hate standing around outside work waiting for a ride like I've had a DUI or something.
She's pushing me to hold out. She knows that I am incapable of just getting a beater with a heater and leaving it alone. She has seen it time and time again. It will turn into body and paint work, suspension work, engine work or whatever. I have no control over it, it's a compulsion. I can't leave them alone.
So my head is spinning. I don't really need a car, but, I want a car. She is telling me no and you just keep giving me ideas. And that is another problem. My mind is going a million different directions and I really don't know what I want. I just need something that can get me ten minutes to work when the weather doesn't promote riding. Anything can do that. But I also want to go to the occasional autox...or rallyx...or maybe an HPDE. But I also am attracted to original paint, good condition survivor cars that really don't lend themselves to motorsports. Or there are several 2wd Jeep XJ's in terrific condition for sale cheap that are just waiting for me to go all Team External Combustion on.
Ugh, I'm a mess.
Edit; Crap, that is a lot of words.
I'll ad some random pictures to break it up a little.