One of my wife's co-workers had 0S1-11T for a few months before he was sent new plates by the DMV, and a letter demanding that he surrender the one's he had. Plates were on an SRT-4, he had a Neon previously, and the plate summed up his feelings of the test drive.
9/24/12 5:31 p.m.
Has anyone tried to register something like WVVWV or anything similarly impossible to read at a glance? I'm guessing they don't do either I/1 or O/0, so you couldn't do 1II1I1 or OO0O00 or some such nonsense. Maybe QQOQQO...
My hooligan bike will (hopefully) need a plate soon, and given its antisocial tendencies, I'd rather be hard to identify at a glance. (I mean, not that I would ever do anything illegal or untoward. Never.)
Just wondering if they let that sort of thing fly.
I saw a car the other day with "B33RPLZ" driving 20 below in the middle lane and swerving all over the place...
alex wrote:
Has anyone tried to register something like WVVWV or anything similarly impossible to read at a glance? I'm guessing they don't do either I/1 or O/0, so you couldn't do 1II1I1 or OO0O00 or some such nonsense. Maybe QQOQQO..
Lots of the Porsche guys in California used to do those plates back in the early '70s.
I've been told that my plates are completely unreadable at 30 feet away in daylight.

my F350 7.3 diesel dually...
My friend tried for PEN15 and PL8-404
my wife couldn't stand driving that truck...
N Sperlo wrote:
So I'm stumped on this one with the 404
9/24/12 7:46 p.m.
I don't get the one in the OP, either. If it's "commiefornia", well then I guess I just don't appreciate it.
My recent favorites were
PMS 247
and TRKWHR (on and STi hatch)
My 99 Civic Si is GJ666, so I've got the power of Satan behind me. 
I had 'WABBITT' on my GTi. That got lots of giggles. My dad had 'PO BOY' on his Jag, it referred to the family business, Po Boy Speed Shop. I still have one of those tags on the back of the Jensenator.
I had a customer come back in FREAKING over his tag that came in for his newly purchased Aerostar van, normal state issue, it was WNS 666. He swore it meant 'Why Not Satan 666' and since he was of a religious bent he did not appreciate it. It took a lot of talking to get him to realize the state issued the tags randomly and he'd have to take it up with them.
I knew the woman at SCDHPT who was in charge of personalized tags several years ago, they'd get a request and her job was to research them. They'd knock up a mock tag and everybody in the office would take turns reading it, pass them around the large office for opinions, read them in a mirror, stuff like that so they wouldn't let anything really nasty through.
At one time (like the early 80s) there was a Mercedes SL in Toronto with WAS HIS. I used to think it was tacky; now I appreciate the candour. Forewarned is forearmed.
I get the Commeifornia one, since I live in CA. It is basically true.
The best plate I saw was on a Fox Mustang in the late 90s. It said "HI MR CHP."

Edit: Yes, those are zip ties.
Scott Lear's type R has I1II11I or something like that. It's unreadable.
I have a couple friends that work at the local tag office. I'm sure I could get away with "VULVA" for the Volvo 
9/26/12 10:16 a.m.
I like the white Rabbit with "IMLATE"
The Cobra with "HISSSS"
A longtime family friend had TARDIS way way before anyone knew about dr who in this country...
A couple in town used to have "POON" on one car and "TANG" on the other. They'd park them side by side in the driveway.
In the 80's there was a snow-white Porsche 928 with the license plate "SELLIN" around Fort Hood, Texas.
Only a Delorean would have made that better.