I recently emailed on a CL ad for a "Seadoo Project" listed for $400. the guy had put in a rebuilt engine and done a few other things on an older seadoo, and never finished the rebuild. looked like all it needed was about 1/2 a day's worth of work to put the jet pump back in and sort out the rest of the ski.
i didn't hear anything for a couple of days and just assumed the typical CL ad hit and run no-response or they sold it and decided to just ignore the rest of the emails.
on friday i received the following email in response:
SEA-DOO PROJECT I wish to thank everyone who expressed an interest in the Sea-Doo and apologise for being slow to respond. I was amazed at the number of responses that I received. I have listed every response and I will be going through the list, in the order of receipt, and contacting the individual. I have a pretty full schedule for the next couple of days so don't lose hope if you don't hear from me today. I will either contact you and tell you the Sea-Doo has been sold or to tell you that you are next on the list.
then, on sunday afternoon, i received this email:
The Sea-Doo has been sold. Thank you for your interest.
even though i didn't get a chance to scoop up the project, i was thoroughly impressed with the way the guy handled the sale, especially for a $400 transaction.