12/23/13 12:19 p.m.
found this in my spam folder (and no, I didn't open the attachment) … never seen one like this before
Notice to Appear,
Hereby you are notified that you have been scheduled to appear for your hearing that
will take place in the court of Washington in January 12, 2014 at 11:00 am.
Please bring all documents and witnesses relating to this case with you to Court on your hearing date.
The copy of the court notice is attached to this letter.
Please, read it thoroughly.
Note: If you do not attend the hearing the judge may hear the case in your absence.
Yours truly,
Isabella Mason
Clerk to the Court.
yikes, wonder how many people are gonna fall for that
12/23/13 1:02 p.m.
that's just it … there isn't a Washington closer than 400 mi. to me (and I've never been to that one)
I'm tempted to open the attachment just to see WTF
wbjones wrote:
that's just it … there isn't a Washington closer than 400 mi. to me (and I've never been to that one)
I'm tempted to open the attachment just to see WTF
I once took an empty 303 Brit shell, stuck a firecracker and a rock in it, lit the fuse and held it in my fingers.
That was a very bad idea too.
This blog indicates a lot of people have been getting that email recently: http://blog.dynamoo.com/2013/12/hearing-of-your-case-in-court-nr6976.html I read on another site that the enclosed zip file contains a trojan.
stuart in mn wrote:
I read on another site that the enclosed zip file contains a trojan.
That’s so thoughtful but how do they know you’re going to “f” the court system?
Do they hold court hearings on Sundays?
This was the highlight of my spam today:
Hi, I am Oksana (23 y.o.)
I wish to chat with you now.
Here you can look through my personal data:
click here
That attachment certainly has a virus in it, the question is whether your computer is vulnerable to it.
if you're really curious, boot one of the small linux distros (Is DSL still around?) off a flash drive and open it that way.
12/24/13 8:26 p.m.
mine's a Mac … while not immune, there's a high resistance to infection 
In reply to wbjones:
Thats a nice way to put that our computers are too stupid to run .exe files
12/25/13 3:38 p.m.
I'm really not computer literate enough to know exactly what you're saying …
I had just been led to believe that Mac's were less susceptible to viruses …. for whatever reason
I got a Mac originally because someone I knew had one and sang their praises … my parents have always had Windows machines …. Mom's spends as much time in the shop (getting de-viruses) as it does being used … plus I grew to "hate" how long it took hers to power up and shut down
what I would like is for some things to be as easy on a Mac as they are on a W machine, and I wish that some of the software that I would like, would run on a Mac …
but, believe me .. I'm the last person on earth that would call someone "stupid" because of their computer 
I got one of those too Walter, it was deleted in about 6 seconds.
They must be sending out a lot of them. From the Minnesota Judicial Branch website:
News Item
Email Scam Uses Court Message
Posted: Monday, December 23, 2013
Some Judicial Branch district courts have reported calls from members of the public saying they received an email telling them they must appear in court. The message, with the title “Notice to Appear”, contains the phone number of a local court and asks the recipient to open an attachment – a common tactic for scammers attempting to spread a virus or gain access to the recipient’s computer. Callers should be aware that the email did not come from the Minnesota Judicial Branch or the district courts.
I have gotten a dozen of them.. all for different court cases. I must have been a bad boy 
12/26/13 6:40 a.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
I got one of those too Walter, it was deleted in about 6 seconds.
I've now gotten it 3 times .. guess they really want me to show up 
12/26/13 9:35 a.m.
I don't usually even look in my spam folder unless I don't have an expected email in my inbox.
12/26/13 9:52 a.m.
I check mine just about as often as I check my e-mail
there are too many legitimate e-mails that somehow run afoul of my spam filter …. I click on spam, look at the "sneak peak" and then delete all ….