I feel that I need to post this because it may inspire you to talk to your wives and family members about it and be sure she/they are prepared for such an incident.
Last night my wife was beaten, robbed, and driven away from the scene of the crime for about 30 minutes. He made it clear he "had to have money for drugs". After he beat her down he made her lay down in the front pass. floor while he drove her away. Since he had hit her so many time she felt like "she had had it". So she started praying out loud and began to pray for the thief. She started saying over and over "think of me as your mother, just think of me as your mother". It must have gotten to him because he pulled over, tried to wipe off the finger prints, thew the keys in the back seat and ran into the woods.
The point is, this could just as easily happen to one of your loved ones, and even you unless you're an MMA heavyweight. The cops said this happens about twice a week in this city. It could have been worse, a lot worse. Without going into details, there's a good chance that he'll be caught. I sure do hope so before he does this, or worse, again to someone else.
4/10/11 1:10 p.m.
since it's not in your profile.... what city is that ?
4/10/11 2:35 p.m.
Pretty much my worst nightmare 
I don't even have any words of wisdom. I don't know if she'll ever recover from and experience that horrifying.
Good luck and best wishes. 
That's horrible, I could never fathom that happening to my wife.
I really hope she has a speedy recovery. 
4/10/11 2:58 p.m.
My god, that's horrible. My heart goes out to your wife - it will take a while before she can put this behind her.
I'm extremely sorry to hear this. I pray she has a quick recovery.
That is extremely sad, I hope the best for you and your wife. 
I hope your wife has a speedy recovery.
My thoughts are with you both. I hope the guy is caught quickly.
Wow. Man, sorry to hear that. I wish a speedy recovery and that the guy is caught quick.
4/10/11 8:12 p.m.
Once lost, (if lost) it is not easy to regain the trust in humanity.
She will need your patience.
Be strong!
My thoughts and best wishes are with you.
4/10/11 8:36 p.m.
Courage is not having no fear. Courage is doing what is right in spite of the fear.
I am impressed with people of faith and courage who respond in incredible ways when under pressure.
I am not always certain I could do it.
I know this will be emotionally challenging, and I pray for her rapid healing (and yours).
But please also offer my thanks for her testimony. That's the kind of faith that heal a lot more than just her own wounds.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks to all the well wishers. It really means a lot that you took time to post on the subject.
She is very sore and bruised today and having trouble talking because he hit her in the neck several times. She's a very strong woman and I think she knows that she is truly blessed that she wasn't hurt worse than she was. Knowing her as I do I think she'll find a way to make this a positve, not a negative. Her fighting spirit got her through a major battle with cancer. That and her strong faith in God will see her through this.
Just hearing the story made me shiver. What a nightmare. Be patient with her, this is going to take a while for her to learn to live with (she'll never be "over" it). And do research Ms. Quigley (Joey beat me to the link), she has some very important words to say.
My heart aches for both of you.
our prayers are with you both. Hopefully they get him off the streets soon.
I winced while reading... but when you said p-cola it went to another level... I'm in Milton so that hits way to close to him... where about?
On a side note.... if you need anything please let me know... we're not to far and can easily make it over if yall need something...
Either way we meet to meet up... not every day you run into another GRMer in the area...
Glad your wife is OK.
I would suggest anyone rolling through or even thinking of rolling through bad areas get proper firearms training and a nice piece.
This is my buddy, and I don't leave home without him.
4/10/11 10:56 p.m.
Graefin10 wrote:
Thanks to all the well wishers. It really means a lot that you took time to post on the subject.
She is very sore and bruised today and having trouble talking because he hit her in the neck several times. She's a very strong woman and I think she knows that she is truly blessed that she wasn't hurt worse than she was. Knowing her as I do I think she'll find a way to make this a positve, not a negative. Her fighting spirit got her through a major battle with cancer. That and her strong faith in God will see her through this.
Please update us as to whether they catch this bastard. I'd want to find him before the authorities.
I told my wife about this, because she walks across a campus at night to get to her car after work. She usually has someone from security with her, but I told her to ALWAYS do so from here on in.
My heart aches for both of you. 
My prayers are with you and your wife. I too shivered as I am about to start working in that area. I hope she has a speedy and thorough recovery. God bless.
Now it's your turn to pay her back for all those little things she does for you, she will need to vent, it's not about you. Stay strong and be the man she needs you to be.
Wow, my thoughts go out to you both.
Be proud of her. She fought back. She didn't use weapons or violence, but she fought with her words. Because of her actions she is still alive. All of us can plan and think and hope we would do the right thing if something like this ever happened, but it DID happen to her and she came out the other side. Pretty impressive.
4/11/11 8:59 a.m.
My thoughts are with both of you for a solid return to normalcy, as soon as possible. I'm glad to hear it was not worse.
Wow. Sending a prayer and a hug to both of you. That's one strong (and smart) lady.