Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?

But seriously, is everyone staying safe out there in this crazy ass snow?
My neighbor across the street was kind enough to snow blow our driveway twice this week. The wife is gonna make him a batch of cookies. I have been itching to go drive around town, but I have kept my but in the house most of the day.
had a bunch of snow around new years. had a day off work actually. right now its raining and the temps are dropping....supposed to be 0 deg and under the next day or two....should be interesting
Where did you get that picture of me?
I went out to meijer because I am honestly running low on TP, snow tires did their job.
What snow? Got down to 39 degrees today, freezing my ass off...
It was -15 at my in-laws the other day, so we left. Autocrossed today. It was chilly, but not too bad.
1/5/14 9:19 p.m.
-24f with windchill down to something dumb like -60f. I'm going nowhere.
no fresh snow here... just cold... lots and lots of cold.. and wind..
I went out a few times. To get things. Not just because I wanted to play in the snow. I kinda did. But it was to get things. And play in the snow.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I have been itching to go drive around town, but I have kept my but in the house most of the day.
You must obey the proper speed limits. A car is not a toy.
This wouldn't be so bad if the weather men would stop hyping it up so damn much. I swear I could here Tom Skilling pop a boner warning us of impending doom.
That being said, I whipped some E36 M3ies last night in an abandoned Wal-Mart parking lot. Fun
I drove the truck around the block, parked it in front of the house, shoveled the driveway then nearly couldnt get the truck back in the driveway. It was silly. But an unloaded 2wd truck isn't an ideal snow machine.
Mayor shut down the city 2 hours ago.
Work shut down their buildings an hour later. Can't go to work in the morning.
I was hoping for a little sled time. It's raining here 
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Apis_Mellifera wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I have been itching to go drive around town, but I have kept my but in the house most of the day.
You must obey the proper speed limits. A car is not a toy.
I hope that's sarcasm.
If its not I'm pretty sure they posted on the wrong site by mistake...
40mph wind gusts and temps falling all day to 12 degrees tonight. IN SOUTH GEORGIA.
Oh well, off to work. Ahh, manufacturing.
Most of West / Central Michigan is shut down including GVSU and Michigan State University.
I'm at work. (something about being a stubborn country boy)
1/6/14 6:47 a.m.
Dayton OH. All day Saturday phone is blowing up with winter warnings 8-12" of snow, turned into 5-8", then yesterday 2-3", finally down to 1-2". Snowpocalpyse fail. Ended up raining all night with a dusting of snow & now I'm trying to decide how much ice is on the roads for work or not work.
1/6/14 6:49 a.m.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Apis_Mellifera wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I have been itching to go drive around town, but I have kept my but in the house most of the day.
You must obey the proper speed limits. A car is not a toy.
I hope that's sarcasm.
Movie quote. Even better.
we got rained all night, got rid of the 10" or so of snow from the other day. now there is dust on my truck, but it's getting cold.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Apis_Mellifera wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I have been itching to go drive around town, but I have kept my but in the house most of the day.
You must obey the proper speed limits. A car is not a toy.
I hope that's sarcasm.
Yeah... that's a quote from the same movie you quoted.

I spent the day organizing my closet.

I actually left the house at 4:30 to go to work, the only other vehicles I saw were three snowmobiles flying by me in my lowered Mazda5 so I went home. Took an hour to go 13 miles.
Level 3 snow emergency all around here.
The roads were slightly damp in columbus, very disappointing.