In the process of planning our wedding in march, I was looking at rental cars in Tampa for our honeymoon. I had my heart set on a Corvette but that would run almost $1000.
Upon hearing that she responded "Lets just do what those 3 idiots did", refering to the Top Gear Miami-New Orleans special. So I might get to go Miata shopping, on our honeymoon, with her permision.
And she love TG
hell yeahzz (now dont piss her off)
I have an XJ for sale that would be worth more up north than it is here... It's in okay condition.
Would you be driving your purchase home? I'd look for something worth nothing in Florida and worth a decent bit in NY, even if it meant spending more up front.
My wife and I want to rent a Jeep and go on a road trip. I think in the end, we'll be buying a TJ instead of renting a Just Kidding.