7/24/13 8:49 p.m.
This ended badly last time, and trust me, I have NO interest in reviving the stupid dead horse.
But most of you are smart, and may appreciate this article. It's important, thoughtful, and well focused.
Today's Civil Rights environment is in a tenuous position. It's time for a little honesty.
Shelby Steele's Civil Right's Article
I will remain respectfully silent and post no more in this thread. I'll let the article speak for itself.
Interesting point of view. Thanks.
Great article. Thank you for sharing it and I am passing it on.
7/25/13 6:13 a.m.
I hadn't followed the case much ... the only things I "knew" was from cursory reading (usually not much more than the headlines and the first few sentences of any article)
wondered at the verdict when it came out ... so this (without reading any opposing viewpoint) puts a new light on the case
so ... thanks for posting
In the last presidential election, I had really hoped for Herman Cain verses Obama. Much of my reasoning was how and where would the equal right groups place their "outrage".
I admit that I had no idea who Shelby Steele is so I googled him/her up.
7/25/13 7:37 a.m.
Seems to me it was two young men making a cascade of poor decisions that ended badly. Media seemed to really be pushing it for more than it was, fanning it, but it wasn't the right story to turn the corner. Good read that puts a different perspective on it
Agreed, good read. I also agree that the MSM media was pushing hell out of it to drive up ratings to sell more advertising for E36 M3 that people don't really need.
I have long held the opinion that the likes of Al Sharpton and other self aggrandizing windbags who claim to be "leaders" do no real good. Their sole purpose being to strong arm money for their cause from the bully pulpit. I hadn't really made the leap to the whole civil rights movement thing being a center of political cronyism clinging to it's power base.
Interesting read. Thanks.
Shelby Steele is a national treasure. Thanks for the article, I didn't know he'd said anything about it.
7/25/13 4:22 p.m.
There were a lot of character issues that weren't allowed in court, were not brought to light by anyone in the media, and I agree with the sentiment from the OP's link.
Good read for sure, glad to see some people actually get it.
Glad to see somebody with the balls to pick his apart for what it really was.
I don't think this article is any sort of revelation. I thought this has been pretty well know for a while now.

This was published in 2003
I will say that there is a very common theme throughout history that no one abuses or takes advantage of a population of people better then that same population (one is most effective at abusing something you know the best)
BTW - there are a lot of people doing very similar things (justifying their existence by hyping situations). Some are self appointed spokes people, some are politicians, some have a radio shows, some have a TV show etc... it's all variations of the same theme.