little background. The road I live on sits between two highways. Neither is limited access. One is a county highway and one is a statehighway. If I go out to the county highway and make a right as if going to work, I have to cross over an overpass that allows the road to cross the Atlantic City Expressway.
On the far side of the overpass (on the country highyway) is a traffic light that allows traffic coming off of the ACE to get onto the local roads. Yesterday, while heading to work, I pulled out onto the country highyway and accelerated.. until I saw the light turn red about 200 yards ahead of me.. at which point I stopped accelerating and simply coasted.
The guy behind me lost his mind. Riding my ass, laying on the horn and generally acting like a complete ass until he realised I was slowing for the light.
Running late to lose his money at the tables? Shame on you for slowing him down!
Many people can't see any farther than their front bumper.
I had a woman turn hard left directly in front of me, thing was, there was no cars behind me for 100 yds.
I had nearly the same thing happen to me the other day coming to a stop in traffic. It makes you wonder how some people got their licenses in the first place.
I gave a slow moving vehicle a short toot on the horn as she was wandering across her lane towards me in the next lane, we were traveling in the same direction. We came to a stop and she looked over and blasted me as though I had rammed her.
I just wanted her to know I was there, sheez
That's why I'm enjoying my anti-lag right now. Horns are for people in front of me, tailpipe flames are for those behind me.
7/19/11 12:23 a.m.
In reply to Teqnyck:
Epic win. There's more to life than turbo lifespan!
I often do the same as you, not only because it makes sense, but just to save gas. I haven't had anyone get like that with me, but they do seem to get impatient. But 200 yards? I guess I don't start coasting that far in advance.
yep...I was on my way to work one day when I ended up behind a VERY slow moving concrete truck on a 55 mph road with a dashed center line. So, seeing as he was doing all of 30 mph, I crept over a little to make sure no one was coming, and I passed, on the dashed line, not going even over the 55 I was already traveling at. When I got a bouta mile ahead and stopped at a red light, the guy BEHIND me starts losing his effing mind! Telling me he called the cops on me and reported my reckless behavior, yaddah yaddah so on and so forth blah blah...
So I did what any grown, mature, responsible adult woulda done: I revved my SR20DE up to the rev limiter over and over, and made visual references to the fact that due to all the noise, I couldnt hear him, and promptly neutral bombed a good burnout through the intersection when the light turned green.
Horn use and tailgating is directly correlated with being a miserable, self-absorbed berkeley. Except in Boston, where it's just the local sport.
Some people can't see the forest for all the trees.
I love it when someone is so caught up in getting around someone else in traffic that they completely miss their turn.
So you coasted to a red light for 200 yards? IIRC, the proper racing technique is to be on the gas, hard, or on the brakes, hard. Being on public roads is no excuse.

7/19/11 10:08 a.m.
To play devil's advocate, I will say that most of the traffic lights around here are controlled by location sensors. They won't go green unless they detect a car waiting. So that detection isn't going to occur while you're drifting across 200 yards.
That being said, I don't do the "floor-n-slam" that so many people seem to on roads like that.
pinchvalve wrote:
So you coasted to a red light for 200 yards? IIRC, the proper racing technique is to be on the gas, hard, or on the brakes, hard. Being on public roads is no excuse.
This. You drive on the track the way you drive on the street. ALWAYS late brake, late apex, heel-toe, and double-clutch 
Duke wrote:
To play devil's advocate, I will say that most of the traffic lights around here are controlled by location sensors. They won't go green unless they detect a car waiting. So that detection isn't going to occur while you're drifting across 200 yards.
That being said, I don't do the "floor-n-slam" that so many people seem to on roads like that.
this one is controlled.. by traffic getting off of the ACE. When there is no traffic waiting, it stays green for the county road.
7/19/11 12:36 p.m.
iceracer wrote:
Many people can't see any farther than their front bumper.
I had a woman turn hard left directly in front of me, thing was, there was no cars behind me for 100 yds.
This happens to me a few times a month at least. Burns my butt EVERY TIME. I want so bad to pull them over just to say "Hey moron, if you'd have waited literally 2 seconds I'd have passed you and you could have pulled out and done 20 UNDER the limit and had no effect on anyone else."
That just kills me.
ReverendDexter wrote:
This. You drive on the track the way you drive on the street. *ALWAYS* late brake, late apex, heel-toe, and double-clutch
Late apexes are for noobs. You clip that berkeleyer as early as you can pull off and without having to lift. Just watch using the kerbs on the street - some of them are harsh :)
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Some people can't see the forest for all the trees.
I love it when someone is so caught up in getting around someone else in traffic that they completely miss their turn.
...or fail to see the cop coming up slowly behind them
DrBoost wrote:
iceracer wrote:
Many people can't see any farther than their front bumper.
I had a woman turn hard left directly in front of me, thing was, there was no cars behind me for 100 yds.
This happens to me a few times a month at least. Burns my butt EVERY TIME. I want so bad to pull them over just to say "Hey moron, if you'd have waited literally 2 seconds I'd have passed you and you could have pulled out and done 20 UNDER the limit and had no effect on anyone else."
That just kills me.
yesyes. I think I am the only person who waits when they see a BIG spot behind somebody to pull into
You are not theonly one. I too do that.
I even had a driver do that today pulling out of a parking lot.
Waited till I went by, big gap behind me.
So perhaps there is hope.
7/19/11 6:16 p.m.
I actually think car enthusiasts are, generally speaking, better drivers. Just because we like cars and driving, that makes us more aware of driving.
7/19/11 6:51 p.m.
there is a SC Highway Patrolman who a-x's with us some ( or used to before his divorce ) who acknowledged that as far as he was concerned most of the a-x'ers he knew could handle several miles over the limit and would probably make the right decisions when it came to sudden reaction time.... that said, he did promise to make our life miserable if he ever had to stop one of us...
DrBoost wrote:
I actually think car enthusiasts are, generally speaking, better drivers. Just because we like cars and driving, that makes us more aware of driving.
I agree. When I met my wife, she wasn't great behind the wheel. Lots of running over curbs, and not in a cool way. But as she hung out with someone who pays a lot of attention to his driving, she started paying attention as well. Lo and behold, she got better simply because she wanted to and because it became a priority.
Then she started getting out on the track and the autocross course, and I don't need to explain to anyone here what that did to her skills. But more importantly, she's proud of driving well so she makes sure she does.
Her sister, on the other hand. Yeeks.