You know what I learned last night? Having a girl for a roomate is as bad as having your girlfriend live with you. She was not very happy when I told her to take out the trash (as I have a fairly travel intensive lifestyle/work life, I literally have slept in my own bed about 8 nights in the past 4 weeks). The exact same thing of trash has been there for over 2 weeks, and I finally cooked my first home made meal in 3. In that time period, I've probably taken out the trash 4+ times. How this works, I have no idea. Apparently I create garbage just by "being".
I'll post here later tonight if I survive, as I got a "we need to talk" text after also having to straighten her out on why the lease is in my name, and I pay more money for rent, therefore we play by my rules (which are really simple, straightforward, and fairly flexible). The worst thing? She is actually a really good roomate, so I probably should have kept my mouth shut about the garbage thing and sucked it up. But its the principle of the matter! (how many times has THAT bitten me in the ass?)
I got no advice for you, all I know is that I will be following this thread with great interest.
10/12/10 3:15 p.m.
I'm always amazed at how many roommate problems women can create out of seemingly nothing. Its happened with all of the females I am close to.
Good luck, but I wouldn't have high hopes.
Edit: I also seem to notice that all roommates, no matter the education, intelligence, niceness, and cleanliness level, have one thing that is just blatantly stupid that THEY KEEP REPEATING even after learning the right way/right thing. My current roommate does not get that you cannot use a metal spatula on my non-stick pan. That thing was berkeleying expensive (Christmas gift from the grandparents). I finally gave up and bought some garage sale pans that work better for him anyways; they're much bigger and not catering to ommlette flipping like I want.
My girlfriends roommate always stacks cups without drying them and they smell awful. No matter how many times we've told her you have to dry them or not put them inside each other, she keeps doing it.
I wonder what my dumb thing is.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
I got no advice for you, all I know is that I will be following this thread with great interest.
Quoted for the Truth! God Speed!
10/12/10 3:22 p.m.
I think the level of B.S. that a guy will put up with from a girl roommate is 100% correlated to the hotness of said roommate.
10/12/10 3:42 p.m.
Also the availability of said roommate for shenanigans, if you will. I had a female roomie once, and she tried to bilk me out of some loot. After I learned the doors were closed, she was out like Clay Aiken.
She's pretty cute, but I don't take E36 M3 from nobody. My attitude clearly will not help the situation, so I called my buddy for tips on dealing with "regular" women (I only date woman who aren't controlled by their emotions, therefore my skills in this area are lacking). His insight was so astounding, I asked him if I could just hand off the phone to my roommate tonight and he could do the talking. Alas, I don't think that would work.
I am soooooo screwed.
I actually think my roommate does like me. Being the suave, devilishly handsome young man I am, coupled with my witty humor and interest in long drawn out conversations about various things in life, I am not surprised 
That still doesn't change the fact the not very nice word here didn't take out the garbage for 4 weeks and essentially slammed her bedroom door in my face! 
10/12/10 3:54 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
I am soooooo screwed.
Actually, you shouldn't let it get that far. Eye candy yes, but no shenanigans. If it gets to that point she'll just stop paying rent and then you'll also be on the hook for her meals.
10/12/10 3:56 p.m.
HiTempguy, has there been anything else other than the garbage that would cause tension?
10/12/10 3:56 p.m.
Are you doing this as a favor to her? Is there a reason the lease is in your name? Seems to me the lack of direct monetary concessions would neccesitate that she start taking out the damn garbage.
HiTempguy wrote:
That still doesn't change the fact the *not very nice word here* didn't take out the garbage for 4 weeks and essentially slammed her bedroom door in my face!
Exactly. If it was a guy - there would be none of this shyte. You would say take out the berkeleying garbage once in a while or GTFO. So... that is what you say. Its a business arrangement not a date.
10/12/10 4:06 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
I only date woman who aren't controlled by their emotions
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah- sorry, that just slipped out. Married 25 years.
oldtin wrote:
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah- sorry, that just slipped out. Married 25 years.
I left out the part where I was having a hard time finding a date lately...
Absolutely it is a business arrangement. And it will be dealt with as such. But as always in these situations, there will be the "well, you blah blah this and you blah blah that". And essentially, she subsidizes me being able to live in a brand spankin' new condo. The arrangement has worked out well for for over 2 months now. Its a nice arrangement, but I hate looking/cleaning up after other peoples E36 M3.
10/12/10 4:17 p.m.

for a roomy, unless there's benefits, it's all business - if the house rules are shared duties - so be it - just don't let it brew - deal with it straight up.
Sounds like it only worked for one month and then she stopped taking out the berkeleying trash. 
Cute my butt, pay your half then keep your bugs and trash out of our space!
Would you put up with this if it were a guy? Dint think so.
Getting hosed? Dint think so.
Unsanitary conditions are difficult to clean up. Boink her, boot her or send her back to Daddy.
Sorry HiTemp, I've used up all my patience for today.
OP said:
so I called my buddy for tips on dealing with "regular" women (I only date woman who aren't controlled by their emotions, therefore my skills in this area are lacking).
so - you're gay? cause that is no women
10/12/10 6:35 p.m.
I'm with 914... if it's a business arrangement, spare no quarter. Some girls, this sort of arrangement will work, some will play games... so far yours looks like the latter type.
If the garbage falls on her half of the to-do list - then it should be done, no excuses.
Personally, I'd already be searching for a replacement...
patgizz wrote:
OP said:
so I called my buddy for tips on dealing with "regular" women (I only date woman who aren't controlled by their emotions, therefore my skills in this area are lacking).
so - you're gay? cause that is no women
Oh ouch, low blow, but negative. Its got me wondering why you'd ask though? Interested? Makes me question YOUR sexuality! 
HiTempguy wrote:
patgizz wrote:
OP said:
so I called my buddy for tips on dealing with "regular" women (I only date woman who aren't controlled by their emotions, therefore my skills in this area are lacking).
so - you're gay? cause that is no women
Oh ouch, low blow, but negative. Its got me wondering why you'd ask though? Interested? Makes me question YOUR sexuality!
as soon as i found a girl who wasn't crazy i put a ring on it, as the song goes. They do exist, you just have to look hard.
Hey now, the moderately crazy ones need lovin too!
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Hey now, the moderately crazy ones need lovin too!
I prefer the term "eccentric".
10/12/10 7:03 p.m.
You'll get no help from me, as I'm usually on the other side of this situation. My wife claims I'm borderline impossible to live with, and I don't disagree, but I will take out the garbage.
None of the "we need to talk" type conversations have worked on me yet...