Patterson's lawyer told The Smoking Gun that a "design problem" caused a decorative metallic piece on the underwear to fly up and hit Patterson in the eye while she was putting the underwear on.
beat wally to it.. YES!
Any judge with half a brain will immediately throw that case out. Fifty two year old women should not be wearing thongs.
Woodyhfd wrote:
Any judge with half a brain will immediately throw that case out. Fifty two year old women should not be wearing thongs.
there are like 2 exceptions......
glad there were no pictures
They showed her on the morning news...
...sorry, I put the two together in my mind there, now I have that pre-puke taste in my mouth...
Woodyhfd wrote:
Fifty two year old women should not be wearing thongs.
Ahem... maybe, maybe not. Google Christie Brinkley - she's 54.
I have watched several girlfriends put on thongs (and take them off) over the years.. never seen one get tight enough to launch parts of it's self either at the eye or anywhere else.
It begs to ask (and I am sorry I am) how small was this thong and how big was this woman?
OOOO a cop car in readers rides, I needed to be distracted before i got sick
FOX: Your source for hard-hitting news.
6/22/08 4:31 p.m.
A 52 year old fat woman wearing a metal thong??? 

6/22/08 5:11 p.m.
It's a text book self defense case. The thong had every right to hit the woman in the eye in order to save itself from certain death caused by suffocation or something considered cruel and unusual. Case closed.
6/23/08 12:25 p.m.
You would either have to be extremely good looking or extremely ugly to pull that off.. not sure which is better, but having seen the French Canadians when they come down to the shore here in their Speedos.. extremely ugly probably wins
neon4891 wrote:
OOOO a cop car in readers rides, I needed to be distracted before i got sick
Was it mine? Did you vote? 
/gratuitous shameless plug