Completely vaccinated, double boosted. Had a cough i thought was allergies, but took a home test to be sure. Negative. Still wasn't better last night, so took another home test - BINGO. Two lines. berkeley me. To round things out, my bride has it, too.
Symptoms mild so far - tired, cough, low fever.
Good times
Here's hoping for a fast and full recovery.
After the initial wipe out of all the people with severe comorbidities, being crammed into nursing homes and infecting the whole place, and/or intubation incompetence, it seems like most people just suffer a mild to severe bout of flu like symptoms. I have several friends who were vaccinated with 3 shots and were down for 2 weeks.
In reply to CJ :
Today, most people are getting the far milder co-variants.
I'm 58 and have been double vaxxed / boosted once and all I experienced was about three days of a medium cold.
Good luck to you and Mrs. CJ.
I had 4 days of the runniest nose in history. I've been far sicker in the past.
Three needles.
Everyone is going to get it, or a future variant, eventually. Likely several times.
Three shots and covid twice. Felt kind of E36 M3ty both times but kept rolling. The first bout i was doing yard work and i was raking and shoveling the whole time. I have also had much worse, but i recognize it might have been a different story had I caught one of the earlier versions.
Streetwiseguy said:
I had 4 days of the runniest nose in history. I've been far sicker in the past.
Three needles.
Everyone is going to get it, or a future variant, eventually. Likely several times.
Everyone reacts to it differently but we'll all have it eventually. No needles, had the OG in March '20, whatever G in December 21. First time sucked. OG hit hard. Second time I had it's moments but 5 days and I was back to normal. Wife brought it home to me and she was down for 2 weeks hard.
I had it just before the vaccines rolled out, and it was pretty mild in my case - a fever overnight and a few days of tiredness - but I'm also generally healthy and young. I'm just now getting over my second confirmed case, even milder this time. I expect I'll get it again too. Unfortunately, I think everyone's gonna get it every once in a while, just like pretty much any other routine illness that goes around.
Well, just got some interesting news. Our doc wants to do at least a televisit before prescribing Plaxlovid pills. Nurse said this morning that the pills aren't effective if started more than 5 days after onset of symptoms, but monoclonal antibodies can be started up to seven days after onset. Our televisit is tomorrow afternoon.
Started working backwards and I was at the day limit for Plaxlovid, so called to get the antibodies. While I was on the phone with the nurse at the clinic, she got the news that the CDC had shut down all monoclonal antibody therapy treatments.
Apparently, the CDC says that the antibody treatments are not effective against the current Covid variants...
In reply to CJ :
Take care of yourself and please keep coming here to keep us updated.
Ouch. Get well soon!
I never tested for it, but I wonder if I had it back in early July. No symptoms other than exhaustion, which really only affected me when I was bike riding. No power or endurance. Took a couple of weeks off the bikes and now pretty much back to normal. Covid or over-trained? Not sure I'll ever know...
Double vaccinated, one booster, all Pfizer was (is?) in me ... still, the bug caught me and my wife in early June. Worst thing was a incessant cough for me in particular, that was treated with a Rx targeting specifically that symptom. Some kind of liquid in a round / clear bubble, but can't remember what the med was. Felt totally run down, but that only lasted about 4 days, with full recovery within about a week. Really only missed about one day of work, as I was able to work from home at a reasonably slow pace, yet still keep up with what needed to be done. Oddest thing for both me and my wife, we both had a real high sensitivity to salt for about a week after all other symptoms went away. As in a pinch of salt in a recipe tasted like a tablespoon of salt was put in by mistake. Eventually this went away, but that was odd to both of us.
CJ said:
Started working backwards and I was at the day limit for Plaxlovid, so called to get the antibodies. While I was on the phone with the nurse at the clinic, she got the news that the CDC had shut down all monoclonal antibody therapy treatments.
Apparently, the CDC says that the antibody treatments are not effective against the current Covid variants...
I was under the impression they shut down all but one--bebtelovimab. It may still be hard to find.
I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, etc. Good luck, hope you don't need it.
In reply to einy (Forum Supporter) :
Round and brown is a tessalon pearle.
Feel better soon OP.
America is still loosing between 300 and 400 people a day to covid. Vaccination rate for people 5 years and up is about 35%
Omicron specific vaccines are expected in early September.
Yinz better stay safe and healthy-I want to see lots of smiling faces at the Challenge this year.
I hope yours stays as mild as mine was , a couple of months ago.
Almost everyone I know that has had it (around a couple hundred) over the past six months, has been vac and boosterd. Their friends and family that are not, are not getting C. for the majority, although I'm an exception to that. A guy that follow's the CDC guidelines, is the one that got me sick, and the only person I gave it to, in the 2 days before I knew he had, was vac and boosted. The half dozen others I was as close or closer to, during those two days, are not, and did not get sick!
Very small subset of our population, and all country folk, so people that want to live in cities might have different experiences, but empirical evidence from one persons point of view.
Get better soon. Whole family got it late July this year. All double vaxed and boosted. Ohh well.
we didn't die or have lingering effects so that's a silver lining.
8/30/22 9:43 a.m.
Guys, the vacinne doesn't protect you from getting covid, all it's supposed to do is keep you out of the hospital and alive if you do get it. I got Covid this past June, I was fine and then wham, sick. Just like the flu. Fever, chills, hot sweats, muscle aches for 3 days. Then a runny nose and cough for another week or so.
My sister has had a variety of C-19 vaccines (she got the J&J 1-shot first then that showed to be not so useful so she's had three Moderna C-19 shots over time) and she did contract Covid at a work happy hour of all things (she works remote which is where irony rears its ugly head). Early 40's, in good health, and it really did slow her down for a while. A couple weeks of flu-like symptoms and a long spell after that of general low energy and fatigue which seemed different every day. One day fine, next day tired after climbing two flights of stairs.
So it's still a real thing with the shots. I'm hopeful that better the news on better vaccines that are coming along deliver. The CDC tracking data shows nearly 12k people have died in this country in the month of August from Covid. True numbers are probably higher. I haven't had it yet though I feel like it's just a matter of time.

There never was, no matter what anyone said.
Got the shots, have had it twice. If the last bout is anything to go by, I'd rather have COVID than a summer cold.
Enjoy the week of rest. Hope it's a non issue for you.
I dodged it for a long time, but it's clearly in my circle now. two women in my office went on separate vacations (New Jersey and Alaska respectively) and got it. My son got it at the bar and I got it from my son. It's not that bad - aches, runny nose, headaches, low energy, and the variant doesn't seem to have a long period to it. My wife's heading to Italy for a couple of weeks, and I'm concerned about her, as travel increases chances of getting sick.
Not tryna jinx myself but I have yet to get covid
In reply to einy (Forum Supporter) :
I didn't have that with the OG but the last one we did. Took about a week for it to go back to normal
In reply to Toyman! :
Luckily Omicron worked as the vaccination we should have had. Light syptoms and natural immunity moving forward.