5/28/11 6:13 a.m.

Just like your bathroom sink - don't let your canoe sink.
Edit: I posted this picture in response to a "canoe"(spam) posting that had been made earlier. Now that the offending posting above me has been deleted it looks like I started this discussion (which I did not.)
Darn! I was hoping this was a serious thread. I remodeled a small bathroom in my first house. I put ceramic tile on the floor and walls, replaced the old wall-hung sink with a sleek, sexy pedestal number, and painted. Voila! New bathroom. It was very satisfying work and I got lots of compliments.
Bathrooms are tough. I made one little mistake on my basement shower stall, which now means almost complete destruction to make it right. For now, copious amounts of silicone keep things dryish.
Darrn hoping this was a real thread. I have the master in my house torn apart due to the PO not doing it right the first time. I need to make a decision if I really want to hot mop and tile up the wall or just order a shower stall and drop it in.
only thing classier than that piece would be a canoe bidet
They have a cool car bidet in the new Cars movie
Almost finished a remodel of a bathroom added to our 80+yr old house 30 yrs ago.
PO used the cheapest of the cheap everything and I ended up gutting the bathroom like a fish before I could make what I thought would be a few easy improvements.
Old bathroom in an old house? Count on having to gut it completely if you want the job done right.