We just got a new cooktop and it doesn't quite fit in the cutout for the old cooktop. We got a good deal on it so we'd like to keep it, but that requires enlarging the opening in my kitchen coutnter top by about 3/8" from either side and 1/2" off the back edge. The counter top is 1 1/4" granite.
I've never cut stone but in my mind this seems like a big fussy mess -- I'll need a diamond blade for my circular saw, face shield, mask, gloves, lots of masking tape and poly sheeting to keep the dust from getting dust and debris everywhere. Paying someone $200 to come do it blows up our budget for the upgrade, but I probably need at least $50-75 in gear to do it myself.
Ever cut granite counter tops? Is it easier or harder than I'm thinking? Have any tips/tricks? Thanks!
Diamond blade, diamond polishing, circular saw full of granite dust, a kilobuck to replace the granite when you break a big chunk off... I'd talk to a countertop dude who can bring by the thousand dollars worth of blades you will have to buy to do the job, and pay him.
If you didn't have a wife-like person living with you, maybe it a try. Spouse in the house? Chances of making a small mistake that will be visible for the rest of your life? Not worth the chance.
Draw it up in CAD, bring it all to a water jet place.
Used an angle grinder 3 weeks ago to fit a new cooktop. Take your time.
it was my first time - came out fine I thought . I also added new range, did all cabinets laquer white and added backsplash

Thanks Nick!
In reply to mr2s2000elise :
What brand blade did you use? How many edges did you cut, and how deep?
In reply to mr2s2000elise :
What brand blade did you use? How many edges did you cut, and how deep?
I cut 2 edges.
I had to shave 1/4 inch on the left side, which is 21 inch total. I had to shave 1/4 inch on the back, where total width I had to shave was the full 30 inches.
I used an Archer and a Forney blade. Diamond blade. Because my whole new cooktop had to be cut so much granite on both sides, to keep it ligned up with the drawyers, I just took my time, and cut in stages, instead of doing the whole thing at once.
4/29/20 9:59 a.m.
This is a prime example of the importance of having the right tools. When we got rid of the linoleum countertops in our kitchen we had to ha e the installer come out to cut the granit onsite, cuz sink opening and 2 compounds angle cuts. They did the job in our driveway with diamond wheels and water and a decade of practice. I can cut slate for a fireplace surround, but it woulda taken me literally forever to cut that granite and never would I get close to the accuracy you need there.
4/29/20 10:21 a.m.
As mr2s2000elise shows, this is doable as a DIY project, but I think for me, I'd bite the bullet and call in a counter guy who cuts granite for a living.
mr2s2000elise said:
Used an angle grinder 3 weeks ago to fit a new cooktop. Take your time.
it was my first time - came out fine I thought . I also added new range, did all cabinets laquer white and added backsplash

Love the design language between the backsplash and counter top…love the radius on the hood (I could look at it several times per day for the rest of my life and get enjoyment every time - it's just right)…love the pairing of the hardware…oh, and you sexy little can of food peeking out, what are you???
BTW, in terms of using an angle grinder…when I was a dirt-poor grad student, I used a Dremel tool to cut 24’ of tile for a kitchen remodel because I was too broke to afford a basic hand powered tile cutter. Going down memory lane, that’s around the same time I tapped into my neighbor's Christmas lights to power my refrigerator because my power had been shut off – Good times, good times.
In reply to RX Reven' :
You are too funny, my friend!!!!
I've also cut countertops with a diamond blade on 4 1/2" right angle grinder. I did them dry with mask & goggles.
Got a friend who's done it before to help out; he brought his own angle grinder and blade. We draped & taped poly sheeting around the kitchen then started cutting away. I was surprised how quickly the angle grinder would cut through the granite, but even with me spraying there was a looooot of dust. Forget 'measure twice and cut once' -- it took three tries to get the range top to fit. All in all it was a fairly easy DIY job. The cleaning took longer than the cutting.