I want to buy a '90 4runner - a specific one - and get some barebones insurance for it in Ontario. Most companies flat-out refuse to insure a car this old and classic insurance isn't an option. I'll have the policy set to fire & theft only 11 months out of the year while the truck sits parked. Anyone have any recommendations?
6/10/12 7:49 p.m.
I am not in Ontario but rather The States and it is very easy here to insure the '90 car and '87 car that I have. On the '90, I reduce the insurance to fire and theft every winter.
I have just a regular insurance company. No classic car insurance needed.
6/10/12 8:51 p.m.
I have had no problem insuring our cars (we have a '90, a '98, an '02 and a '10). The 90, 98 and 02 all have basic coverage.
They won't give us fire and theft on the '90 though.
TD Ins. is who I have been with for a long time.
I'm in Ontario and have no problems insuring older cars. That's the first time I've ever heard that.
6/10/12 9:20 p.m.
Based on the number of K-cars, Fireflys and 323's that I hear about here from the Canucks I can not imagine there is any trouble insuring them.
Keep in mind this is a new policy I'm looking to get. I tried Bel Air Direct who my parents already have a car insured with and they won't do anything older than '93, even with an inspection. When I try the online quote comparisons most have a cutoff in the mid '90s.
I'll check out TD insurance.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Most companies flat-out refuse to insure a car this old and classic insurance isn't an option.
Move? That's ridiculous. Even in California I know for sure that at least back though 1970 doesnt raise any eyebrows, and I am pretty sure even 30s and 40s cars are the same way.
Call a broker. They'll make it work.
TD does at least back to '85 according to their (very unhelpful) online quote form. I'll have to give them a call tomorrow.
Or if you're allergic to brokers try The Co-Operators. I'm in Ontario too, and we have decades of family experience with them (including some pretty old cars from time to time) and no problems. Well, there was that one time they wouldn't renew my auto policies because I was supposedly delinquent in paying for my supposed yacht policy, but that got straightened out pretty quickly and we all (particularly my wife) had a good laugh at the idea of me as a yacht owner. But for actual auto insurance stuff, not counting weird computer glitches that could happen anywhere, fine service.
6/10/12 11:07 p.m.
I'm with Impact (Zurich). No trouble whatsoever, and all of my vehicles are 90s E36 M3boxes.
After 14 years with State Farm, I recently switched to TD - neither company seemed to mind our late 80's and early 90's cars. Using the "Engineer discount", TD was half the price, and my loyalty only goes so far.
Thanks everyone, lots of places to try today.
6/11/12 12:50 p.m.
njansenv wrote:
After 14 years with State Farm, I recently switched to TD - neither company seemed to mind our late 80's and early 90's cars. Using the "Engineer discount", TD was half the price, and my loyalty only goes so far.
Yup - great affinity programs at TD. No one has been able to touch their pricing in years.