Maybe he can use His Noodly Appendages to smack Congresscritters up'side the head when they do something crooked. Works for me.
Maybe he can use His Noodly Appendages to smack Congresscritters up'side the head when they do something crooked. Works for me.
I can see the California State Capitol Building from my window... and I suddenly have the sudden urge to cover myself in pasta and charge, just to see how far I can get and how many legislators I can hit with linguine before security takes me down.
I don't think anyone has the guts to do it, or they already would have. It's easier to crack these machines than break the copy protection on a Nintendo DS, and it takes a lot less time. I'm serious.
I like the lever machines like these. There is something satisfying about fliping a little metal switch that feels connected to something, and pulling back that big lever to open the curtain. no dangling chads or abused electrons, just good old American steel clicking away in a display of democracy.
God Bless The Mechanical Voting Maching
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