I got one recently as well.
On the way home from MATG, was coming off the last corner of The Dragon, just coasting in 3rd gear (downhill, driving miss daisy, didn't feel like abusing my brakes anymore).
GPS said speed limit was 40mph, i was at about 4krpms in 3rd gear, going 37-38mph. (GPS is 2 years out of date, which will be important later.)
As i come around the corner, i see a speed trap a quarter mile down the road. After checking to see if my current speed was flashing red on the GPS (it wasn't), i continued at the same speed, watching the officers at the trap.
As i drew near, officer ran out into the road and motioned me over. I obliged. (Officer never radar'd me, i had a clear line of sight the whole time.)
Asked for license and registration, gave it to him, he then asked me why i was going so fast.
Confused, i asked "What do you mean, officer?"
He then proceeded to tell me that i was going exactly 51mph. When i informed him that i was going 37mph, and explained the math behind 4000rpms in 3rd gear (because 4000rpms in 5th gear would have been FAR more than 51mph, so it's not like i had my gears mixed up) and how it was impossible that i was going 51mph with that knowledge, he then told me:
"No, you're wrong. This car will do that."
Interesting, so he knows more about my car than myself. Neat.
I asked him if he had radar'd me, and he said "No, we're trained to determine speed by sight and sound."
Interesting, so now he can tell how fast i'm going by what my car sounds like while it heads straight towards him with no side to side references.
At this point, i resign myself to my fate and just let him write the ticket...
... for 51mph in a 30. (GPS was out of date.) I also notice that on the ticket, he's written that he "was alerted to my speed of 51mph by the radar gun going off and displaying 51mph" (Or some variation of that. I can't actually read MY copy of the ticket because literally NONE of it came through on the transfer paper.)
I asked to see the radar gun, since he was writing it on the ticket, he MUST have gunned me.
"Are you doubting that we got you on radar?"
"Well... yes. Especially since you said not 5 minutes ago that you didn't radar me."
"Well, you can't see it, sorry."
"Uhh.... ok."
"But really, we just make up these numbers anyways."
Now, i know he thought he was making a funny, but unfortunately it's not so funny when it's the truth. About this time, a group of Mustangs went flying back the other direction going AT LEAST 50-60mph, and the officers still standing around just waved at them. Because... good 'ol boys driving good 'ol 'Murican auto-mobeeeeeeeeeeelz. They're good 'ol boys. I'm just a young punk disrespecting the country by driving this here piece of Jap Crap.
Seething but still remaining polite, i took my motherberkeleying ticket and got the berkeley on my motherberkeleying way home.
Called TN last week to find my fees and penalties. $256. Ok, not so bad. Cheaper than missing a day's worth of work and gas. I'll just pay that and make sure i don't spend any more money in TN than i have to, ever again. Definitely staying on the NC side from now on.
So then i ask how many points this will be, as i have 0 points on my license, and i'd like to keep it that way for insurance purposes.
"Well... since you're in Indiana, we can't really tell. It'd be 4 points here, but you can take a driving school and those points will be void, and your ticket will only be $106."
Ok well...in Indiana, we have a deferment program if you have a clean license that you can pay an extra $50 or something and it gets dropped to a non-moving violation for no points, you just have to not get a ticket in the next 6 months. No big deal, i haven't had a moving violation since 2006, i think i can handle it. So i ask her if TN has anything similar.
"No sir, i've never heard of that."
Ok... so how do i figure out what will happen with my IN license, since TN can't even tell me how many points will show up, or if they'll even send it to IN in the first place?
"Sir, i don't know any of that."
Called IN, nobody knows anything.
So what the hell am i supposed to do? My insurance is cheap, and i like it that way. My license has 0 points, i'd like to keep it that way. The cop is a berkeleying liar, and i'd like for him to be fired, but if i can get away with just paying $256 and muttering under my breath and nothing else, i'd like to just do that.
What do? I'm hesitant to go down there and fight the ticket, since it seems my GoPro battery had died earlier that morning, so i have nothing other than "he said she said" to go on. Since the speed limit WAS truly 30mph, i WAS speeding, but sure as HELL wasn't going 51mph. Penalty for 7mph over is wildly different than penalty for 21mph over.