DeadSkunk Dork
3/16/12 4:02 a.m.

Our little town, Dexter Michigan, got whacked by a tornado last night. Luckily, no injuries or fatalities, just lots of property damage. I've seen a video of the twister and it looked pretty tame compared to some I've seen on TV. Still, over a hundred homes demolished or heavily damaged. Hard to imagine what it was like in places like Joplin or Tuscaloosa.

petegossett GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
3/16/12 5:05 a.m.

Glad you and you're neighbors were unhurt!!!

1988RedT2 SuperDork
3/16/12 6:31 a.m.

I was reading an article on the Joplin twister just yesterday. Amazing stuff. Unfortunately with freakishly high temps this time of year, I'm sure we're in for more violent weather.

Good to hear there were no serious injuries.

jrw1621 PowerDork
3/16/12 6:35 a.m.

Wow! Glad you were safe, Warren.
Here is some story and videos.

alfadriver UberDork
3/16/12 7:12 a.m.

One of your neighbors took video, too- he's downloading it, and my wife will send it to me as soon as he sends it to her.

Lots of pictures were on the WXYZ website.

CGLockRacer GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/16/12 7:49 a.m.

My coworker took a picture of one of the tornados from his back yard - it was about 1/2 mile away from him. He said he saw 3 in the area, even though only one was reported/touched down.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand UberDork
3/16/12 7:58 a.m.

Glad to hear you are OK Warren. Tornados are one of my nightmares, they scare the crap out of me.

DeadSkunk Dork
3/16/12 11:33 a.m.

I just drove downtown to the hardware store, in a Miata of course, and if you didn't see the news you would never know anything happened. It's kind of wierd, but life goes on and this little village will recover.

scardeal Dork
3/16/12 11:38 a.m.

The photographer for our wedding a couple of years ago lives in Dexter. Her house lost its whole 2nd floor. Crazy stuff.

I'm glad you came out alright.

alfadriver UberDork
3/16/12 1:34 p.m.

Here's a nice long video of one of them-

edit nsfw wording

AquaHusky Reader
3/16/12 1:53 p.m.

Last night, way east of me in Mo., I seen a huge storm that had all kinds of lightning in it. And, even at 3 AM this morning, it was still warm enough for me to drive, at 70 MPH, with the window down. It seemed odd at this time of year.

Glad to see you all are okay. I live near Sedalia, and last year a bad one went through here like a few days after the Joplin twister. They are still cleaning up and repairing/rebuilding from it, and it was nowhere near the size of the Joplin one!

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