I’m just starting day 3 of the hell that is helping Katie through having her tonsils removed as an adult (she’s 22), and it’s been rough.
No clock needed to time the pain meds—she’s sobbing at the half hour before it’s time, every time. Food has been limited to popsicles, jello, and one partial bowl of ice cream yesterday evening—a major victory, only to have last night the worst yet.
JG had his tonsils out at 18, and has been a big help with advice (mostly “oh yeah, it sucks bad,” but always helpful to know you’re not the outlier).
Any other survivors that can offer some stories of what helped and what didn’t? She isn’t tolerating the Lidocaine wash, so we are limited Percocet every 4 and ice packs, ice water, ice chips... we’re going through more ice than a rum bar, for all the wrong reasons.
In lieu of actual advice, which I suspect was best covered by JG already, would also accept stupid jokes.
4/14/18 9:26 a.m.
My high school girlfriend had them out at 16. I remember she was down for over a week, meaning she only communicated via text--even if you were in the same room as her.
She had smoothies (but only seedless fruits were used) and then everything else you've listed.
I had mine out at 4, so no help here. In another time, I would recommend listening to the Bill Cosby but about tonsils, but now it's just not funny.
Had both of my kids' tonsils out at 4ish and I nearly sent the son back for a replacement. Just awful!
liguid lortab not pills (why would they give pills??). The trick with a toddler was shoot about 10cc of tepid water in their mouths to lubricate their throats (used syringes for this), then shoot in the LL (which stings a bit and caused reflexive swallowing), then 20cc water as a chaser. They both lost a few pounds during the tonsil recover weeks, it really sucked as a parent.
Oh. And, the rotting meat breath. Gag!!!
4/14/18 9:41 a.m.
My tonisls are missing, and I've never had them removed.
Well, there was that one time when I woke up in a corn field with a radio collar and an ear tag.....
She has had some pretty bad reactions to hydrocodone, which is available in a liquid, but tolerates oxycodone—which is not.
We've tried a couple different smoothies, but she just doesn’t feel like she can swallow anything. That’s today’s goal.
Thank you so much for the tip about lubricating her throat with water before and after the stinging stuff. That might be a game-changer right there. Dunno why I’ve been cruising the internet for resources without coming here first.
Ouch. All I can offer is sympathy. As a parent, nothing hurts worse or makes you feel more impotent than when your child is suffering and you can't fix it. My youngest is suffering from seasonal allergies and his eyes are nearly swollen shut, but your situation sounds more than a little worse. I offer you my thoughts and prayers for your child's rapid recovery.
I had mine taken out at 18. My diet pretty much completely consisted of orange sherbet and cream of chicken soup for a few days. It was awful but I survived.
Sorry to hear Katie is going through this. I don't have any personal experience with tonsil relocation, but it sounds god-awful. Hope she is feeling better soon!
Is this all just a large diversion to not have to work The Mitty? 
Here's to a speedy recovery!
In reply to John Welsh :
Damn, nailed it. I guess you remember the year I broke Tom’s knee for the same reason?
I'm not sure about the tonsil end of it, but Chloraseptic spray is the greatest gift of science for the sore throat sufferer, in my opinion. Short term relief, but relief none the less.
Sounds like that girl needs a fentanyl lolly.
1988RedT2 said:
Ouch. All I can offer is sympathy. As a parent, nothing hurts worse or makes you feel more impotent than when your child is suffering and you can't fix it. My youngest is suffering from seasonal allergies and his eyes are nearly swollen shut, but your situation sounds more than a little worse. I offer you my thoughts and prayers for your child's rapid recovery.
When I was a kid, the best allergy relief I found was to stick my head in the freezer and breathe deep, and wash my hands and face. berkeleying pollen...
4/14/18 8:08 p.m.
What do squirrels eat?
1. Can't believe I'm first
2. I'll show myself out
I like where this is trending.
What’s purple and goes slam, slam, slam, slam?
Four-door grape.
No, the outlier is having to take your adolescent kid back the next day to let them have another go at the stitches. (The spitting up blood was the clue.)
I had mine out in my twenties; didn't enjoy it much. I seem to recall I could tolerate Cream of Wheat before I could process much else through my throat.
Best wishes to the entire Suddard household.
New Reader
4/14/18 11:44 p.m.
I had mine out at 21. I was talking the same day, and back on solid foods by day 3. I did pop a stitch on day 5, and had to have it cauterized in the office on a Saturday. I haven't had strep since, this makes me happy. I had it 4 times in 8 months before having them out.
It seems like I remember a drug laced tapioca pudding being used on my sister when she had hers out. Liquid Tylenol perhaps?
I got nothing but sympathy
Lots of ouch, not much advice. I still have mine.
My sympathies to the Suddard household.
Maybe you could distract her with her own personal patio for the poor quality jokes.

Had mine out on my 16th birthday. Wasn't the most fun I have ever had. Was promised ice cream by the nuns in the hospital, but only got Jello.
I seem to remember putting my head back and slowly swallowing liquid Tylenol and sucking on lots of ice chips...
Had mine out at 26. It was miserable. I wish I had some advice, but trust me that she’ll feel much better after it’s over. I had near constant strep and sinus infections for 2 years and the docs couldn’t figure it out until it got really bad. Turns out I had an abscess behind one of my tonsils. It was a huge relief after it was all over and it was amazing how much better I felt.
I am most sincerely hoping no post-surgery needling. So far so good (fingers crossed.) Thanks all for stories, support, jokes (Toyman, yours made her lol, which in her world means she gave me a finger point, so cool).