Is it too early for this. I feel like we should be doing this now.
Short term goals?
Long term goal?
Car related goals?
Short term goals?
Surf at least 2 times a week in the winter.
At least two vacations this year, IE use my vacation.
Long term goal?
Get my investment accounts all moved over to vanguard. Roll over all the 401K's finally. Get the house refinanced to a 15 year fixed. Keep my new greenhouse growing.
Car related goals?
Come do a decision on my fun car. The wife is pulling for me to get something modern that I can hold on to for at least three years without loosing my shirt.
Buy Harley and ride it at least once a week.
12/30/13 10:42 a.m.
Short term:
Start weight lifting at least 3 times a week.
Eat healthier.
Apply to other jobs within my company.
Study for the actuarial exams again.
Plan a wedding, dealing with mother of Bridezilla.
Long term:
Keep doing the short term goals.
Start Vanguard Roth IRA, and review my investment strategy (currently more or less just with the company 401k)
Car goals:
Sell Miata (only car)
Replace Miata with a "really cool car like a Corvette!"
Short Term:
I have cut my portion sizes, but keep with that.
Less microwave food.
Some working out.
Long Term:
Be the best dad ever.
Increase the amount going into my 401k and 529 accounts.
Car Related:
Keep both appliances maintained.
Make room somewhere for a project.
Short term goals: Only eat when i'm hungry.
Long term goal: Continue only eating when i'm hungry, figure out a way to truly integrate working out into my daily routine so it stops feeling like a hassle.
Car related goals: Less wrenching, more driving. Convince SWMBO to let me part out and crush her Escort after i get rid of the MSM for the RX8 that she wants so badly.
12/30/13 11:13 a.m.
Short term goals (3 months): install hardwood flooring in house - get it market-ready, start training for pilot's license, start packaging a consulting program
Long term goals (2014): sell current house, buy property/house in the woods, increase revenue by 35%. TR4 race-ready before end of season
Short Term:
Write more (Published about 100K words this year. I'd like to double that for 2014.)
Read more (Read more books in 2013 than I have in any year previous. I'd like to make that happen again.)
Love more (Pretty self explanatory.)
Long Term:
Lose weight (10% loss is my goal.)
Invest more (SWMBO is working again after an unemployed 4th quarter. We should be able to make this happen.)
Get back into stand up comedy (It's been over a year since my last set. Need to fix that.)
Car Related:
Sell the Mazda3
Purchase something more fun. (Right now I'm stuck on an R53 MINI, or a Z3 1.8)
Get the timing belt job done on C4 Audi S6.
Start my "Project Do The Ton" motorcycle.
I read an interesting article that you shouldn't shoot for goals, but having a system in place that allows you to achieve is a better way about it. You don't just "lose weight", losing weight (and keeping it off) is a system.
If you are aiming to win a championship, what is the difference between the goal of "winning the championship", or putting a system in place of proper training to be as good as you can be? Both achieve the same outcome, but one is a much more positive system that doesn't place the unnecessary stress of goals that may or may not be achievable.
short-term: catch up on some house projects. easy.
long-term: train not just to run, but to run fast. would like to run a Boston Marathon qualifying time in 2016 (3:30 for a 50-year-old man).
car-related: build a tool shed so i can move non-automotive stuff out of the garage (2014). get a project car (2014).
In reply to HiTempguy:
I saw that, too, or a rather similar one.
What do I do when I'm having trouble with my goal of having a system? 
(No, seriously, I want to ride my bike or do some alternative exercise at least every other day. Implementation is proving more awkward than it should)
12/30/13 3:33 p.m.
Short-Term : Sell Miata - Use Funds and Time to get back in shape. Pay off school loans.
Long-Term : Get married, move someplace warm, buy a home.
Car-Related : Experiment with aggressive wheel/tire and suspension setup on ZX2.
SHORT-TERM--- Re-do the electrical and get the restroom installed at my shop.
LONG-TERM --- Have fun playing with cars again, get the turbo Miata running, and build my first Challenge car.
CAR-RELATED --- See above.
-Finish sorting my house and garage.
-Study for and pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam. Start studying for the Professional Engineer (PE) Exam. Doubt I'll get time to actually take the PE Exam in 2014.
-Start going to the gym in the mornings again and stop eating like a hog.
-Not piss off my pregnant wife...too much.
-Buy a car to autocross (not project car).
Short term goals: Do something on the cars at least one night per week and part of one day on the weekend. Having three project cars in various states of disarray can be overwhelming. Chip away one small thing at a time and they will get done.
Long term goals: Complete mastery and control of time and space. Also, learn to do bodywork mo' betta', but that's not terribly plausible.
Short term: Pass everything this semester, get my co-op stuff sorted out.
Long term: Graduate in a couple years.
Car: Get my Yugo back together and on the road, find a place where I can stash it during the week closer to home so I can actually drive the damn thing.
Eat healthy/ lose weight get in shape. I'm sure it won't happen and ill continue to be fat and lazy unfortunately.
Start hanging out with my friends more often, I just hung out with some friends from hs that I haven't seen some of them in 10 years, it was great.
Car goals: get a car lol. At the moment we are a one car house and I have a work van. If I am going to actually hang out with friends and have a life again I will need a car for when the wife needs hers. I should get something useful like a pickup but I have a feeling a miata or mr2 may be in the future if I can find a decent one.
I've been thinking about this all day and honestly I can't come up with any goals
In reply to HiTempguy:
You'd think that would be obvious, but I guess to some people it isn't.
I quit a 30 year smoking habit about three months ago. I figure that takes care of my resolutions for 2013, 2014 and maybe 2015. 
In reply to Toyman01:
You're still off the smokes! Congratulations!
Short term: Get cars ready for next autocross season.
Long term: Finish Yugo and Spitfire.
Wait we are supposed to have non car related goals...
Ian F
1/2/14 10:44 a.m.
Short Term:
Get the TDI fixed and back on the road.
Get on the trainer with regularity so I can be somewhat in shape for racing (mtn bikes) this spring.
Long Term:
Build a shop; renovate my house.
Spend less time on the effing internet...
Car Related:
T-9 5 spd conversion on my GT6, plus stereo installation.
install the new teering rack in the Mini, convert dual carbs to single.