Today is my wife's birthday, and we were discussing what she wanted to do. The two things she wanted to do - go to Harbor Freight and go shooting at the pistol range. I found a range in Richmond that rents anything from pistols to full auto. I couldn't get her to shoot anything larger than a .22, but I got to shoot four different pistols in about an hour. All things considered, It was a pretty good day.
Sorry...i accidentally flagged this post while wiping a smudge off my Ipod...
Sounds like a great day to me!
Sounds like you didn't get her what she was hinting at for months and now you've gone and trained her with firearms... dead man walking!
Kiddin :D just gotta give you some crap if you're gonna brag about your good woman.
When I read the title I first thought "Brownie points for the Challenge" but after seeing what she wanted to do, man you had better bring that girl to Gainesville or you will be in trouble.
D&P range? Pretty cool guys there. I'm in Richmond so I've been there just a few times.
Yes, please do tell what range. It's a bit further from Charlottesville than Gordonsville, but certainly close enough for an afternoon of enjoyment.
It's called Dominion Shooting Range. I'm looking for an excuse to go back soon, so if anyone on here wants to go, I'll gladly tag along.