lol. Not a DonnieClark canoe! And it's the band not an actual tool. The cheapest ticket left on stub hub is the above mentioned for the Pittsburgh date. To be honest I really don't know much of their stuff with 'Sober' being the most recognizable track. What say the hive? Too much moolah? Or a more pertinent question as this is the last east coast date do they tour every year because if so I'll wait until next year.
Oh yeah I know I missed tonights D.C. date. Thanks D.C. 101 for only talking about your sponsored event Kerfuffle ad nauseum and smart assedly mentioning Tool hours before it starts. 
That kinda depends, where are they playing in Pittsburgh?
5/25/17 8:27 a.m.
Tool tours on approximately the same schedule that they release albums. I'm mad I won't get to go, even at $100 a shot.
Ian F
5/25/17 8:37 a.m.
If you haven't gone to a mainstream concert in awhile, then current ticket prices might be a shock. For better or worse, it's somewhat of a fall-out from the massive drop in album/CD sales. Once upon a time, bands toured to promote record sales. Now it's essentially the opposite. Bands tour to make a living since record sales are nearly non-existent.
$105 is less than I'm paying to see Iron Maiden next month. I've been a big Tool fan for years, so I will likely pay $105.
Ian F
5/25/17 8:45 a.m.
Damnit. Just looked at the tour dates. None in Philly (unless they already played here). Closest is Hershey - TODAY. They are playing in NY somewhere, but the date is the same as the Iron Maiden show I've already bought tickets for. Hopefully they'll do a second pass through the East Coast. 
Petersen events center is a decent venue. I'd say worth the money. It'll be sort of an intimate night. Not tables and chairs,but not 20 thousand people either.
I saw them a few years ago at Mr. SMALLS, a place that barely holds 2000 people, and it was amazing. I think Petersen event center caps at 5k for concerts but I'm not positive on that.
I saw Heart in the early 80's for EIGHT BUCKS!
I've considered going to see some of the old rockin' geezers that come through town, but then I look at the ticket prices and say NFW. $105 is waaay too much. And who ever heard of a band named "Tool?"
Cranky old man rant over.
Ian F
5/25/17 9:32 a.m.
In reply to 1988RedT2:
When those old geezers from the 70's (or even the 80's) go on tour these days, the tickets invariably cost a berk-load more than $105.
$105 is not the low end, but it's not the high end either.
I've seen Tool in concert several times and it really was a great performance every time. Friends who were not as big of fans as I was came away amazed.
If you do want to be able to jump up and scream like a fan, "Aenema" is the only one you really need to know most of the words to. Mostly just the chorus. That and the chorus to "Stink Fist".
Can we discus the additional charges that are tacked on now? Two weeks ago I went to see Charlie Daniels and Travis Tritt, tickets were $62 each. But with "handling fees" (for an online purchase?!!) and "venue surcharge". My actual bill for two tickets was $163.
And the music industry wonders why it's suffering.
5/25/17 9:54 a.m.
In reply to Ian F:
Unless it is a state fair show. Speaking of, there are 5 acts at the NYSF I want to catch. I'm also getting free Bon Jovi tickets for August.
Tool plays so infrequently and is so good 100% of the time they play that I would pay quite a bit more then 103$ to see them in a small venue like that.
But they were a staple for me growing up.
Ian F
5/25/17 10:03 a.m.
Brian wrote:
In reply to Ian F:
Unless it is a state fair show. Speaking of, there are 5 acts at the NYSF I want to catch. I'm also getting free Bon Jovi tickets for August.
Judging by videos I've seen of recent Jon Bon Jovi performances, "free" is what I'd pay to see them as well.
5/25/17 10:07 a.m.
I rarely go to see concerts in big venues anymore. And when I do, I try to buy in person--pretty easy considering the venues aren't too far from me.
Helps when your favorite stuff is still "underground".
5/25/17 10:15 a.m.
Oh I would go see them in a heart beat at $105. I never have and they are supposed to be amazing in concert, and im not a huge fan even.
Ian F wrote:
In reply to 1988RedT2:
When those old geezers from the 70's (or even the 80's) go on tour these days, the tickets invariably cost a berk-load more than $105.
Almost saw Merle Haggard in Folsom, CA. Until I saw tickets started at $250 each.
On the other side of that coin, I saw the outlaws and Marshall Tucker in Sacramento for like $20 at the door.
Circa 2013
Ian F
5/25/17 10:24 a.m.
I saw them during the Aenima tour 20+ years ago and they were amazing. The band themselves don't really do much (considering the general difficulty of their music, it would be hard for them to do much else), but they had a constantly changing array of visual performance artists doing other stuff on (and above) the stage. It was almost like a rock ballet.
New Reader
5/25/17 10:25 a.m.
I feel like $105 is a lot for a ticket for any show, I mostly go to indie pop shows in small venues and rarely pay more that $15. If you really want to go why not though I suppose.
I paid more than that last time I saw Tool--little over a year ago with Primus opening. Totally worth it.
If I had $210 to spend on shows for 2017, I'd buy 2 tickets to Tool and take my friend Homeboy Mark. Wouldn't need to see another show all year.
5/25/17 12:23 p.m.
I paid 38.50 a ticket to go to Primus and Clutch this July. Can't wait.
Ticket prices now make me sick, but I shelled out the money to see them when they come through Sacramento in a few months. Last time I saw them was 10-12 years ago and I still talk about that show to anyone that will listen.
They bring their A game musically and visually!
Do it. I just saw Maynard with A Perfect Circle last month. I thought it was a bargain at $70/ticket
Grizz wrote:
I paid 38.50 a ticket to go to Primus and Clutch this July. Can't wait.
That should be an awesome pairing. Sadly the current Clutch tour isn't coming anywhere near us. Otherwise we'd be there.
And we saw A Perfect Circle last month at Welcome to Rockville. Totally solid performance. (Yeah, we go to a lot of concerts.)
Have seen tool before, would pay that to see them again. I was stunned at how well they carried over their complex sounds to a live show.
Its just a shame there's no Australian tour date annoucements as yet.