In reply to drsmooth:
For the tote litter box put the hole in the center of the lid. I had two of them, one with hole and one without, so I could go on vacation and my roommate could swap lids after a couple of days and not have to clean it.
If you pull the tube out of the center of a tp roll you can use it to organize extra cords. Roll up the cord, stuff inside tube.
In reply to Tom_Spangler:
I've never owned a car worth washing. 
you can use copper anti-sieze as heat sink paste. We had to do this on our Lemons RX7 when the coils or ignitor or something was getting hot. Worked perfectly!
Rob R.
If you are canoe tripping in bear country. Rather than hanging your food in a tree away from your campsite...
If you have a food barrel, you can "hide" it in the middle of the lake with a rope, and a rock..
To do this, tie one end of the bear barrel to the line, tie the other end to a garbage bag, plastic bag, or drift bag filled with small rocks.
Also, don't clean fish in your canoe.. Even if you dispose of the remnants a bear may decide to break into the smelly side, from the non smelly side. Resulting in lots of broken canoe..
drsmooth wrote:
Apexcarver wrote:
Got cats? do the math, regular garbage bags are cheaper than pan liners.
Got cats? Instead of overpaying for a litterbox. Get a huge Rubbermaid tote on sale for real cheap I got mine for 5$. Even if you pay regular price it is still way cheaper than a litter box..
If you want to cheap out even more. Buy a cheap knockoff.
Then Cut a hole large enough in the skinny end for the cat to get in. About 4" from the bottom of the Tote..
Also, if you don't want litter to get tracked around the house. Place the opening of the tote opening about 6" from the wall, even better if it is in a corner. The cat can't jump out of the box, It will have to slowly leave which leaves litter stuck to the feet in a confined area.
where are you buying litter boxes that they cost more than a couple of dollars?
In reply to novaderrik:
Everywhere except the dollar store.
If you want a decent litter box, with a cover over it expect to pay at least 10$ for a E36 M3ty one. You could go to a dollar store and get a uncovered litterbox for 1$. But it will be tiny, and the litter will have to be changed, or scooped more often.
The rubber made tote cost way less than a litter box from a pet store, and it it is at least 3x larger. Which is important if you have several cats, or a plus sized cat. If you only have one cat. It is a bonus, since it won't have to be cleaned every day!
Another tip. If you have a cat make sure the litterbox is as big as possible. You likely won't have to scoop it every day, unless you have an extremely finicky cat, or are using the worst litter known to man (and cat).
Also, the larger your litter box is. The more likely to be able to go away for a few days, without having some "surprises left for you by your feline"..
Another cat tip.. My friends mom has 4 cats.
When she goes away for a week, she has a small rigid plastic kiddie pool. She puts it right beside the litter box in her unfinished basement and fills it 3" deep with litter. The pool has 12" walls. little, litter on the floor, no surprises on the floor. She thinks she could be away for 3 weeks with this setup, but hasn't tried it yet...
Cleanup is simple. She uses a big wet dry vac to vaccum up the litter(plus other stuff) and places it in a composter.
11/5/13 10:32 p.m.
One of the secrets to lightweight backpacking is having multiple uses for every item you carry.
-A travel size mouthwash container filled with cheap vodka is: flammable, mouthwash, antiseptic, and can get you buzzed.
-Replace your boot strings with paracord, which has a ton of uses (snares, bindings, etc)
-Dryer lint makes a great fire starter, and is easily compressable. It's also an important reminder to clean out your dryer lint!
In reply to calteg:
"-Dryer lint makes a great fire starter, and is easily compressable. It's also an important reminder to clean out your dryer lint!"
I canoe trip alot. This one is handy!! I just tried it out. I own an apt building with a laundry. I took one days worth of dryer lint. It fired up instantly, and got my wet wood going!!
A 9v battery and steel wool is a great firestarter as well.
drsmooth wrote:
In reply to calteg:
"-Dryer lint makes a great fire starter, and is easily compressable. It's also an important reminder to clean out your dryer lint!"
I canoe trip alot. This one is handy!! I just tried it out. I own an apt building with a laundry. I took one days worth of dryer lint. It fired up instantly, and got my wet wood going!!
Knead Vaseline into the lint, it adds fuel and extends the burn. Stores the same as just lint in small plastic containers like film canisters or baggies.
In reply to fasted58:
You can also stuff vaseline soaked lint or cotton balls inside 1.5" pieces of drinking straws to make nice little fire nuggets. Heat up needle nose pliers and pinch the end with 'em to seal.
Stopping your vehicle on the side of the road and flashing your brake lights will summon a prostitute.
N Sperlo wrote:
Stopping your vehicle on the side of the road and flashing your brake lights will summon a prostitute.
But you'll have to drive to a shady area before the car starts moving around rhythmically.
A little salt will keep the napkin from sticking to the bottom of your beer
dculberson wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
Stopping your vehicle on the side of the road and flashing your brake lights will summon a prostitute.
But you'll have to drive to a shady area before the car starts moving around rhythmically.
If you beat her to death where no one can see - you can get your money back without any stars.
You never have to pick up dropped food when you own a dog.
all these cat tips makes me think wouldn't it just be easier to not have a cat?
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
dculberson wrote:
N Sperlo wrote:
Stopping your vehicle on the side of the road and flashing your brake lights will summon a prostitute.
But you'll have to drive to a shady area before the car starts moving around rhythmically.
If you beat her to death where no one can see - you can get your money back without any stars.
I keep track, you never get it all back, IDK where it goes.
If you are going to steal a neighbor's garbage pail. Do it on a windy day.... Also make sure there isn't any sort of identifying mark on it... If you are trying to recover a stolen garbage can, have pictures of the identifying marks and recover it on the next garbage day... Ask me how I know this...
Never show 'em everything ya got, they'll expect ya to keep it up for the duration.
drsmooth wrote:
If you have a food barrel, you can "hide" it in the middle of the lake with a rope, and a rock..
Because bears can't swim ... oh, wait. Nevermind.

You can cool hot drinks faster by using water and ice mixed with salt. Mix the ingredients and drop the drinks in.
The dryer lint trick works, but I have a friend who has made a slight modification. She keeps the cardboard tubes from toilet paper in her laundry room. She stuffs them with dryer lint to use as a fire starter. the cardboard slows down the combustion and the tubes are easier to transport than bags o' lint.
slantvaliant wrote:
drsmooth wrote:
If you have a food barrel, you can "hide" it in the middle of the lake with a rope, and a rock..
Because bears can't swim ... oh, wait. Nevermind.
They are good swimmers, but can they rip open your food barrel while treading water in a 40ft deep lake?
Never store cans or glass bottles above one of those new fangled glass top stoves.