Sounding horn did nothing. Getting close to them they ignored me, Well one fluffed his feathers. Run at them and they attack you. Ya gotta try to herd them and it’s like herding cats..
Get them out of my way and by the time I climb back in the seat of the bus they are back in front of it. 
Some road kill is more delicious than the others.
Wild Turkey? Yuk!! Besides it’s a parking lot and parking lot kill doesn’t even sound god.
10/31/18 10:28 a.m.
This was at my parents place in the UP yesterday. 17 of the berkeleyers. 
Hard to believe that those things actually can fly.
10/31/18 11:40 a.m.
I think wild Turkeys are as bad as rodents. Thank God they can't find a way in your house. I say keep driving, if they don't move one less to worry about.
Kind of like crows that wait to the last minute to get out of the way.
Just keep going, they will move.
10/31/18 1:20 p.m.
iceracer said:
Hard to believe that those things actually can fly.
Yeah, it's an odd sight to look up at a tree in winter just to see a flock of those fat blobs way up in it rather than leaves.
iceracer said:
Kind of like crows that wait to the last minute to get out of the way.
Just keep going, they will move.
I can’t first I often have a bus full of elementary school kids who would cry and scream if I did such a thing not to mention have the school district calling and complaining.
And second I’m a softee. I like wildlife.
If you just keep moving forward slowly, their self-preservation instinct will kick in and move them out of the way. I think.
iceracer said:
Hard to believe that those things actually can fly.
Fly is a relative term. It's more like semi controlled falling. Ever hear them try to land in a brushy area? It sounds like a sasquatch running through the brush.
They are big, tough and dumb birds. They keep the auto glass places here in business.
If they don't get out of the way, they are too stupid to live. Perhaps, a valuable lesson for the kiddies.
Streetwiseguy said:
If they don't get out of the way, they are too stupid to live. Perhaps, a valuable lesson for the kiddies.
Clearly you’ve never driven a bus full of kids. Dealt with the parents of kids. All it takes is one or two of the 77 kids on the bus to get upset and start crying.
With over 200 buses And the flocks of turkeys around what you suggest will happen. Then parents get up in arms and demand the drivers head.
All that is protecting some drivers right now is we are currently 16 drivers short. (As is every other bus company) the pay is over $20/hr but there is such a shortage of drivers the boss needs to keep every one.
What we need is more red foxes. They get in the nests and eat the eggs and young cutting down the flocks.
But they tend to shy away from more suburban neighborhoods, while Turkeys can nest in any undeveloped patch of land.
10/31/18 4:18 p.m.
jstein77 said:
If you just keep moving forward slowly, their self-preservation instinct will kick in and move them out of the way. I think.
This, this right here. You, a fleshy meat sack, were able to herd them off the road. Pretty sure they'll eventually move for 000's of pounds of metal.... Sure you might need to gently nudge them, but they'll move.
Otherwise, please tell us you've got a dash cam, because I'm sure we'd all love to see the next wild and fun filled installment of "when turkey's attack" when a bunch of crazed wild poultry goes crazy on a school bus.
iceracer said:
Hard to believe that those things actually can fly.
They fly very well and are faster than you would think.
Could you use that big sweeper arm on the front of the bus that's intended to make sure the kids walk where the driver can see them? Surely getting a good swat with that thing would motivate them. 
Pretty sure this was an episode of Bob's Burgers.

EastCoastMojo said:
Could you use that big sweeper arm on the front of the bus that's intended to make sure the kids walk where the driver can see them? Surely getting a good swat with that thing would motivate them. 
I like it! I’ll try it and let you know!
In reply to frenchyd :
We want pictures! You know, for science 
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Thank you for that visual, that is hilarious!
I have it on good authority that shouting foul language at them doesn’t motivate the turkeys either. Probably would have a silent bus full kids if you tried it though!
paranoid_android said:
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Thank you for that visual, that is hilarious!
I have it on good authority that shouting foul language at them doesn’t motivate the turkeys either. Probably would have a silent bus full kids if you tried it though!
You were off by one letter - you're supposed to address them in fowl language.
We had a wild turkey show up on my parents' patio on Thanksgiving a few years ago. My wife was really startled - she'd never seen a live wild turkey before, and this one was a good deal bigger than your average house cat.
Ian F
11/1/18 7:39 a.m.
jstein77 said:
If you just keep moving forward slowly, their self-preservation instinct will kick in and move them out of the way. I think.
Same tactic for Canadian geese. If you just slowly drive through the flock, they'll get out of the way. Even if you go not-so-slowly... most of the time.